Section 3: Mission & Goals of 4-H

Mission and Goals of 4-H

4-H is a unique partnership involving youth, volunteers, Nebraska Extension and the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, federal-state-local governments, business and industry. The mission of Extension is helping Nebraskans enhance their lives through research-based education.

Mission of 4-H

4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.

The phrase “Learning by Doing” sums up the educational philosophy of the 4-H program. Young people learn best when they are involved in their learning.

Program Direction

A strength of 4-H is the support from the University of Nebraska and the flexible programming that keeps 4-H relevant to the interests and needs of young people and their families. Nebraska 4-H regularly involves youth, volunteers, community leaders and Extension staff in establishing priorities to guide the development of new programs.

The state and national initiatives that guide Extension are demonstrated in the accomplishments of individual 4-H’ers as they learn leadership skills, adopt healthy lifestyles, explore careers, and discover the uses of science and technology.

Importance of Life Skills

4-H is based on the concept of teaching young people the skills they need to successfully cope with everyday life. We refer to this concept as life skill development. Life skills are the learned abilities needed throughout life. They involve using knowledge, skills and experience to meet every day needs in a variety of situations. Life skills help youth evaluate options and make decisions to deal with the complexities of life. They help youth build and maintain relationships that promote personal well-being in an interdependent society. Young people need opportunities to make choices and to take actions to become self-directive and productive, to lead a satisfying life and to make a contribution to society.

The 4-H Council is charged with providing educational opportunities that will enhance thedevelopment of youth. In order to truly “Make the Best Better,” we must focus on more than the short-term rewards and objectives of the 4-H program. The 4-H Council makes the difference by providing learning experiences in a climate that helps young people become the best they can be.