Nebraska 4-H Programs of Excellence is an award program designed to recognize 4-H groups, such as afterschool programs, school enrichment, or special programs, for providing high-quality educational experiences. Three levels are offered based upon the time spent in the instructional mode. Each level includes a set of required criteria which programs must report on in order to receive recognition. Nebraska 4-H seeks to recognize entire programs, including instructors and youth participants of these programs. Prizes for youth and instructors, as well as curriculum materials for the highest level of involvement, will be awarded to recipients. Programs will obtain an award relative to the level they have achieved.
Instructions for Applicants
Upon completion of the program, instructors must complete and submit the appropriate level Report Form and any additional required materials to their local Extension office. Local 4-H staff will review and approve reports and award recipients with prizes.
Programs of Excellence Levels
Level 1
4-H Growing
Level 1 is intended for 4-H groups that engage in less than 6 hours of instructional time.
- The group is engaged in less than 6 hours of instructional time.
- Class enrollment or 4-H group enrollment form is completed and submitted along with the Level 1 Report Form to the local Extension office.
- The 4-H experience is shared through social media using the hashtag #NE4H or other designated hashtag.
- Program directed evaluation is completed and submitted to the local Extension office.
Level 2
4-H Inspire
Level 2 is intended for 4-H groups that engage in 6 hours or more of instructional time.
- The group is engaged in 6 hours of instructional time.
- Class enrollment or 4-H group enrollment form is completed and submitted along with the Level 2 Report Form to the local Extension office.
- The 4-H experience is shared through social media using the hashtag #NE4H or other designated hashtag.
- 4-H Common Measures evaluation is completed and submitted to the local Extension office.
- Success story sharing a program impact is written by a youth participant or teacher. Success stories should be submitted along with the complete Level 2 Report Form to the local Extension office.
Level 3
4-H Empower
Level 3 is intended for 4-H groups that engage in more than 6 hours of instructional time.
- The group is engaged in more than 6 hours of instructional time.
- Class enrollment or 4-H group enrollment forms is completed and submitted along with the Level 3 Report Form to the local Extension office.
- The 4-H experience is shared through social media using the hashtag #NE4H or other designated hashtag.
- An educational display is created. Examples might include but are not limited to: building, hall, or room display; county fair display; school/afterschool awards night. A brief written description and/or photographs of the educational display should be submitted along with the Level 3 Report Form to the local Extension office.
- An expanded learning experience is conducted. Examples might include but are not limited to: career exploration activity; community service project; field trip related to the project completed. A brief written description and/or photographs of the expanded learning experience should be submitted along with the Level 3 Report Form to the local Extension office.
- The group and/or individual members of the group participate in a different 4-H program, experience, or delivery mode from the one currently enrolled.
- At least one success story sharing a program impact is written by a youth participant or teacher. Success stories should be submitted along with the Level 3 Report Form to the local Extension office.
- A recognition or celebration event is conducted. A brief written description and/or photographs of the celebration or recognition event should be submitted along with the Level 3 Report Form to the local Extension office.
- 4-H Common Measures evaluation is completed and submitted to the local Extension office.
For questions about this program or the information on this page, please contact:
Sarah Paisley
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development, Lead Educator