Lead Resident Camp Counselor Job Description

Job Summary:

A Lead Resident Camp Counselor must be able to fulfill the duties of a general staff member, including but not limited to being able to effectively monitor behavior while using appropriate discipline techniques and develop age-appropriate activities. This position is responsible for helping to maintain a safe, clean summer program site; ensuring a high level of program quality, and working to establish a positive relationship with all program participants and their families. The Camp Lead Counselors will provide a positive role model to the Nebraska 4-H camper.

Reports to:

Camp Administration Team

Responsible to:

Camp Leadership Team

Training Needs:

Must attend Pre-Camp Trainings. Must attend all Staff Meetings.


  • Must be at least 21 years old.
  • Ability to work well with children.
  • Ability to organize camp schedules
  • Strong programming background
  • Interest and experience with outdoor activities

Responsible for:

  1. Knowing and being able to perform all duties of a General Camp Staff, including living in cabins.
  2. Holding periodic staff meetings with the Resident Camp staff
  3. Providing schedules to Resident Camp staff
  4. Coordinating all evening activities
  5. Working with the Camp Administration Team to provide performance reviews of the General Counselors
  6. Coordinating Resident Camp medication distribution in the absentness of health aids
  7. Communicating any staff or parent concerns to the Camp Administration Team
  8. Serving as a mediator to solve problems that arise between all levels of staff
  9. Mentoring staff, Program Assistants, and Camp Apprentices.

Staff Should:

  • Be willing and able to perform other duties around camp as assigned.
  • Never be under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on duty for Nebraska 4-H.
  • Always keep a positive and enthusiastic attitude while instilling excitement in campers.
We're Accredited!

Nebraska 4-H Camp programs are accredited by the American Camp Association! Learn why ACA-Accreditation matters.

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