Connecting the Dots is an interactive career exploration simulation program designed to help 9th and 10th grade students learn more about careers of interest. Through the experience, participants explore how to connect the dots from early high school through postsecondary education and training to the workplace. The simulation experience incorporates local/area business and industry, post-secondary, and military partners. Additional workshops on resumes, motivating skills, and additional topics are a part of this program.
Students complete a career cluster career exploration activity prior to attending and work in teams of two or three based on career interest. Through the Connecting the Dots program, students:
- Experience a real-life simulation to learn how their high school choices impact their post-secondary student and their workplace experiences.
- Learn more about their favorite careers.
- Learn about the importance of networking as they being to prepare for their careers.
- Building work readiness skills including resume building and interviewing.
- Complete personality inventories to relate to future jobs.
- Have fun learning together.
Program Contact
For questions about this program or the information on this page, please contact: