4-H members who have access to or own a horse have many opportunities to participate in shows and events with their equine partner. However, Nebraska 4-H also offers a variety of horse programs that do not require youth to own or have access to a horse. Additionally, there are volunteer opportunities within these programs which are open to both youth and their families.
The Nebraska 4-H horse programs offer life-changing opportunities for youth. Along with learning horsemanship and animal husbandry, 4-H members practice life skills, such as responsibility, self-discipline, personal safety, goal setting, and keeping records. The focus of the Nebraska 4-H horse programs is the total development of the young person. The horse shows and related equine activities and contests are utilized as a vehicle for human growth and development. The programs aim to develop confident, competent, caring individuals who have good character and are connected to their communities.
To learn more about 4-H horse events and activities in your community, contact your local Extension office.
Horse Program Resources
State 4-H Rodeo
The Nebraska State 4-H Rodeo offers youth an opportunity to showcase their skills in working with their equine partners through speed and agility contests. Classes include goat tying, barrel racing, pole bending, tie down roping, break-a-way roping, and dally team roping.
State 4-H Rodeo
Horsemanship Advancement Levels
The Horsemanship Advancement Levels program is designed to serve as a guide for instruction and evaluation of each 4-H member's progress. Each level has particular emphases to assist in developing 4-H member's self-discipline, patience, self-reliance, responsibility, and pride of accomplishment.
Horsemanship Advancement Levels
Advisory Committee
The Nebraska 4-H Horse Advisory Committee is comprised of volunteer and Extension representatives from across the state who provide guidance, support, and assistance in carrying out program activities in the interest of the 4-H Youth Development and horse program.
Advisory Committee
Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo
The Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo is an opportunity for 4-H members to demonstrate their skills and knowledge of horses at state-level shows and contests. The Expo is held annually and hosts the State 4-H Horse Show, State 4-H Hippology Contest, and State 4-H Horse Judging contest.
Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo
4-H Horse Stampede
The 4-H Horse Stampede, held annually on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln East Campus, provides 4-H members an opportunity to showcase and demonstrate their equine knowledge through a variety of 4-H horse contests that do not require live horses, including public speaking, demonstrations, quiz bowl, art and photography contests.
4-H Horse Stampede
Horse Show Judging
Find resources to help you serve as a 4-H horse show judge, including the most current 4-H Horse Show and Judging Guide, patterns, and scoresheets.
Horse Show Judges Resources
Horse Show & Judging Guide Change Proposals
4-H members, parents, leaders, volunteers, and professionals are invited to provide feedback and propose changes for the Nebraska 4-H Horse Show & Judging Guide (4H373). Any proposals submitted must consider the affect changes would have on all youth in the Nebraska 4-H Horse Program.
Horse Show & Judging Guide Change ProposalsEquine Webinar Series
The Equine Webinar Series is an opportunity for all youth, parents, and volunteers to gain knowledge of a variety of equine topics. Youth do not need to be enrolled 4-H members to participate.
Equine Webinar Series
Youth Horsemanship Courses
The Horsemanship Courses are open to all youth ages 8-18 with an interest in learning more about horses. Youth do not need to be enrolled 4-H members to enroll in any of the online courses. Participants can earn a pathway digital badge for each course completed and a Mastery Level badge for completing all three.
Horsemanship Courses
National Contests
4-H members have opportunities to represent Nebraska 4-H at several national horse events through various contests, including horse quiz bowl, public speaking, demonstration, judging, and hippology contests. Find eligibility information and national contest details.
National Contests4-H Horse Calendar
Program Contact
For questions about this program or the information on this page, please contact: