FIRST LEGO League Qualifying Tournaments will be held across Nebraska in January 2019 and February 2019. At the Qualifying Tournaments, teams are selected to participate in the 2019 Nebraska FIRST LEGO League Championship.

Qualifiying Tournament Results

Championship Results

2018-19 Results

Nebraska Championship Results

The 2018-19 Nebraska FIRST LEGO League Championship event was held on Saturday, February 16 at the Strategic Air and Space Museum near Ashland, Nebraska.

Championship's Award

The awards recognize teams that fully embrace and excel in all areas of FLL. These teams have achieved excellence and innovation in both the Robot Game and Project and demonstrate outstanding Core Values.

  • First Place Champion's Award: Rebel Robotics Orange
  • Second Place Champion's Award: The Dream Dogs

Global Innovation Award

This team will be able to compete with other winning solutions for a chance to be our region's representative for the FLL Global Innovation Award presented by XPRIZE. This prize rewards teams for exemplary Project solutions. Each region nominates a team for these awards whose solution epitomizes innovation.

  • Regional Nominee: Rebel Robotics Orange

Robot Awards

  • Mechanical Design: Minstormers: Neon Edition
  • Programming: Data Dragons
  • Strategy & Innovation: Return of the T-Rexes
  • Robot Performance: Rebel Robotics Orange

Project Awards

  • Research: East Butler Tiger Bots
  • Innovative Solution: Fearsome Peeps
  • Presentation: Chewbacca Bots

Core Values Awards

  • Inspiration: Papillion Middle School
  • Teamwork: Space Force
  • Gracious Professionalism: Blazing Tigerbot Builders

Judges Award

  • Judges Award: ASTROVARKS
  • Against All Odds: Pioneer Bots Purple
  • Rising Star: Space Invaders

Special Recognition Awards

  • Outstanding Volunteer: Gabriela Ostler
  • Adult Coach/Mentor Award: Steve Kitt and Dan Edwards of Lego Ninjas
  • People's Choice Best Dressed Team: Mindstormers: Neon Edition
  • People's Choice Best Mascot: Chewbacca Bots
  • People's Choice Most Spirited Team: Orbots

2017-18 Results

Nebraska Championship Results

The 2017-18 Nebraska FIRST LEGO League Championship event was held on Saturday, February 17 at the Strategic Air and Space Museum near Ashland, Nebraska.

Championship's Award

The awards recognize teams that fully embrace and excel in all areas of FLL. These teams have achieved excellence and innovation in both the Robot Game and Project and demonstrate outstanding Core Values.

First Place Champion's Award: Designing Dream Makers

Second Place Champion's Award: Data Dragons

Global Innovation Award

This team will be able to compete with other winning solutions for a chance to be our region's representative for the FLL Global Innovation Award presented by XPRIZE. This prize rewards teams for exemplary Project solutions. Each region nominates a team for this award whose solution epitomizes innovation.

Regional Nominee: Building Bulldogs

Robot Awards

Mechanical Design: Mindstormers: Neon Edition

Programming: Pioneer Bots Purple

Strategy & Innovation: Pioneer Bots Gold

Robot Performance: Data Dragons

Project Awards

Research: Spartabots I

Innovative Solution: Building Bulldogs

Presentation: League of LEGOs 2.0

Core Values Awards

Inspiration: Nance County 4-H

Teamwork: Lightening Ladies 3.0

Gracious Professionalism: The Chewbacca Bots

Judges Award

Judges Award: The Thunderstorms

Against All Odds: Spartabots II

Rising Star: H2O Comets

Special Recognition Awards

Outstanding Volunteer: George Duchossois

Adult Coach/Mentor Award: Tricia Bracht of Mindstormers: Neon Edition

People's Choice Best Dressed Team: Mythical Creatures

People's Choice Best Mascot: The Chewbacca Bots

People's Choice Most Spirited: The Lightening Ladies 3.0

2016-17 Results

Nebraska Championship Results

The 2016-17 Nebraska FIRST LEGO League Championship event was held on Saturday, February 18 at the Strategic Air and Space Museum near Ashland, Nebraska.

Championship's Award

The awards recognize teams that fully embrace and excel in all areas of FLL. These teams have achieved excellence and innovation in both the Robot Game and Project and demonstrate outstanding Core Values.

First Place Champion's Award: 1971 - Data Dragons

Second Place Champion's Award: 7359 - Minions in Disguise

Third Place Champion's Award: 10988 - The Building Bulldogs

Gloabl Innovation Award

This team will be able to compete with other winning solutions for a chance to be our region's representative for the FLL Global Innovation Award presented by XPRIZE. This prize rewards teams for examplary Project solutions. Each region nominates a team for this awards whose solution epitomizes innovation.

Regional Nominee: 1386 - Kearney Catholic Stars 1

Honorable Metion: 15458 - Central Sandhills Mech-Techs

Alternate: 9108 - League of Legos

Alternate: 16103 - Tech Nerds

Robot Awards

Mechanical Design: 169 - The Chewbacca Bots
This award recognizes a team that designs and develops a mechanically sound robot that is durable, efficient and highly capable of performing challenge missions.

Programming: 4096 - Team Twisters
This award recognizes a team that utilizes outstanding programming principles, including clear, concise and reusable code that allows their robot to perform challenge missions autonomously and consistently.

Strategy & Innovation: 16103 - Tech Nerds
This award recognizes a team that uses solid engineering practices and a well-developed strategy to design and build an innovative, high-performing robot.

Robot Performance: 7359 - Minions in Disguise
This award recognizes a team that scored the most points during the Robot Game. Teams have a change to compete in at least three, 2.5 minute matches and their highest score counts.

Project Awards

Research: 22598 - Designing Dream Makers
This award recognizes a team that utilizes diverse resources to formulate an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the problem they have identified.

Innovative Solution: 14117 - Spartabots 1
The award recognizes a team's solution that is exceptionally well-considered and creative, with good potential to solve the problem researched.

Presentation: 6637 - EV3 Stampede
This award recognizes a team that effectively communicates the problem they have identified and their proposed solution to both the judges and other potential supporters.

Core Values Awards

Inspiration: 19198 - Gear Gators
This award celebrates a team that is empowered by their FLL experience and displays extraordinary enthusiasm and spirit.

Teamwork: 14206 - Super Scouts White
This award recognizes a team that is able to accomplish more together than they could as individuals through shared goals, strong communication, effective problem solving and excellent time management.

Gracious Professionalism: 15990 - Bench Pressing T-Rexes
This award recognizes a team whose members show each other and other teams respect at all times. They recognize that both friendly competition and mutual gain are possible, on and off the playing field.

Judges Award

Judges Award: 21945 - N.E.R.D.S.
During the course of competition, the judges may encounter teams whose unique efforts, performances or dynamics merit recognition. Some teams have a story that sets them apart in a noteworthy way. Sometimes a team is so close to winning an award that judges choose to give special recognition to a team. Judges Award allows the judges the freedom to recognize remarkable teams that stand out for reasons other than the Core Awards categories.

Against All Odds: 28695 - Rebel Robots
We have all been in a situation where something unexpected happens or a challenge arises that seems impossible to overcome. Every year, we like to recognize a team who has faced the unexpected or a significant challenge.

Rising Star: 24620 - K9 Strikers
Every year, FLL grows with new teams. We have watched each of these teams grow and learn and demonstrate their value as part of FLL. This award is to recognize one of these teams as a group of Rising Stars that we are excited to watch as they too grow and learn.

Special Recognition Awards

Outstanding Volunteer: LvVelle Henderson

Adult Coach/Mentor Award: Dale Smith

2015-16 Results

Nebraska Championship Results

The 2015-16 Nebraska FIRST LEGO League Championship event was held on Saturday, February 20, 2016 at the Strategic Air and Space Museum near Ashland, Nebraska.

Championship's Award

The awards recognize teams that fully embrace and excel in all areas of FLL. These teams have achieved excellence and innovation in both the Robot Game and Project and demonstrate outstanding Core Values.

First Place Champion's Award: 1971 - Data Dragons

Second Place Champion's Award: 9108 - League of Legos

Third Place Champion's Award: 12802 - T2T Green Arrow

Robot Awards

Mechanical Design: 7359 - Team C2-B2
This award recognizes a team that designs and develops a mechanically sound robot that is durable, efficient and highly capable of performing challenge missions.

Programming: 6518 - Academy
This award recognizes a team that utilizes outstanding programming principles, including clear, concise and reusable code that allows their robot to perform challenge missions autonomously and consistently.

Strategy & Innovation: 10071 - Golden Bots
This award recognizes a team that uses solid engineering practices and a well-developed strategy to design and build an innovative, high-performing robot.

Robot Performance: 12801 - T2T Green Arrow
This award recognizes a team that scored the most points during the Robot Game. Teams have a change to compete in at least three, 2.5 minute matches and their highest score counts.

Project Awards

Research: 3775 - Mindstormers
This award recognizes a team that utilizes diverse resources to formulate an in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the problem they have identified.

Innovative Solution: 169 - Lifegate Chewbaccabots
The award recognizes a team's solution that is exceptionally well-considered and creative, with good potential to solve the problem researched.

Global Innovation Award: 169 - Lifegate Chewbaccabots
This team will be able to compete with other winning solutions for a chance to be our region's representative for the FLL Global Innovation Award presented by XPRIZE..

Presentation: 8664 - Reusable Robots
This award recognizes a team that effectively communicates the problem they have identified and their proposed solution to both the judges and other potential supporters.

Core Values Awards

Inspiration: 17047 - Lightening Ladies
This award celebrates a team that is empowered by their FLL experience and displays extraordinary enthusiasm and spirit.

Teamwork: 10381 - We Bot Da Fun
This award recognizes a team that is able to accomplish more together than they could as individuals through shared goals, strong communication, effective problem solving and excellent time management.

Gracious Professionalism: 16103 - Technerds
This award recognizes a team whose members show each other and other teams respect at all times. They recognize that both friendly competition and mutual gain are possible, on and off the playing field.

Judges Award

Judges Award: 7765 - G.E.E.K.S.
During the course of competition, the judges may encounter teams whose unique efforts, performances or dynamics merit recognition. Some teams have a story that sets them apart in a noteworthy way. Sometimes a team is so close to winning an award that judges choose to give special recognition to a team. Judges Award allows the judges the freedom to recognize remarkable teams that stand out for reasons other than the Core Awards categories.

Against All Odds: 5805 - Dukes of Robotics
We have all been in a situation where something unexpected happens or a challenge arises that seems impossible to overcome. Every year, we like to recognize a team who has faced the unexpected or a significant challenge.

Rising Star: 17369 - The 1.21 Brickowatts!!!
Every year, FLL grows with new teams. We have watched each of these teams grow and learn and demonstrate their value as part of FLL. This award is to recognize one of these teams as a group of Rising Stars that we are excited to watch as they too grow and learn.

Special Recognition Awards

Outstanding Volunteer: Sonja Ostler

Adult Coach/Mentor Award: Al Carlson, Teams 10988 and 22598