Twenty-two adult volunteers, one 4-H member, and a family of volunteers are being recognized with 2024 Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Awards.
The Johnson and Harbin families from Burt County are receiving the Multi-Generation Family of Volunteers Award. Additional family members include:
- Norman and Sally Johnson
- Johnnie and Melinda Johnson
- Jennie and Stewart Harbin
- Will and Stephanie Johnson
This award recognizes a family with at least three generations of active 4-H volunteers.
Marissa Staben, 4-H member in Cass County, is receiving the Outstanding Youth Volunteer Award. This award recognizes a 4-H member, ages 14-18, who has made a meaningful impact on their local 4-H community.
Eleven individuals are receiving Emerging Adult Volunteer Awards. These awards recognize current volunteers who have served less than three years in their local 4-H community. One individual is recognized for each Nebraska Extension Engagement Zone. Recipients include:
- Briana Robertson, Box Butte County
- Jacey Andersen, Thomas County
- Blair Caraway, Dawson County
- Tigh Renken, Gosper and Phelps County
- Janelle Nielsen, Dakota County
- Jennifer Wood, Nance County
- Kerry Huntley, Washington County
- Kearah Perreault, Lancaster County
- Makinna Peterson, Thayer County
- Cailyn Winkelman, Nemaha County
Eleven individuals are receiving Outstanding Adult Volunteer Awards. These awards recognize current volunteers who have served more than four years in their local 4-H community. One individual is recognized for each Nebraska Extension Engagement Zone. Recipients include:
- Julie Schommer, Dawes County
- Rhonda Cherry, Cherry County
- Amanda Lott, Lincoln County
- Pam Hamilton, Hitchcock County
- Lisa Bousquet, Dakota County
- Jeff Krivohlavek, Seward County
- Ann Gillentine, Saunders County
- Marsha Prior, Lancaster County
- Tom Person, Jefferson County
- Dana Baltensperger, Nemaha County
The Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Awards honor individuals who are making meaningful and lasting contributions to their local 4-H communities.
“4-H Volunteers are truly integral for creating intentional and positive experiences for youth statewide. Their volunteer efforts enable youth to improve decision making skills, build leadership skills and help prepare youth to be ready for future careers. These volunteers generously give their time, energy, and creativity to help develop the next generation of leaders, and we are thrilled to be able to recognize their contributions," said Jill A. Goedeken, Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Extension Educator.
Recipients will be celebrated during a recognition ceremony at the 2024 Nebraska State Fair.
Learn more about the Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Awards.