Companion Rabbit Science is a self-paced learning opportunity offering information about caring for rabbits. The online course is great for middle-school-aged youth but is open to all youth regardless of age who are looking to learn more about rabbits and the 4-H rabbit project. Companion Rabbit Science is a great resource for anyone interested in caring for or learning about rabbits in 4-H whether they own one now or not!
The course includes four units covering:
- Selection
- Anatomy
- Diseases
- Nutrition
Units also include online activities and quizzes to help youth practice and test their knowledge.
Digital Badge
Participants can now earn a digital badge by completing the Companion Rabbit Science Course! The badge recognizes the earner's competency in mastering knowledge in basic rabbit care, breeds, health, nutrition, disease, selection, and showmanship. Interactive learning opportunities are provided after each topic. At the completion of the course, participants are to take a quiz on all the topics learned in the course to be awarded a certificate for completion. A passing grade would be 80 out of 100.
Explore Companion Rabbit Science Digital Badge
To complete the online workshop:
- Visit
- Log in to an existing account or create a new account.
- After logging in, search courses for "Companion Rabbit Science."
- Select "Companion Rabbit Science."
- Select "Enroll Me."
For questions about this program or the information on this page, please contact:
Lisa Karr
Companion Animal Specialist, Extension Specialist