4-H members who have access to or own livestock have many opportunities to participate in shows and events. Nebraska 4-H also offers a variety of programs that do not require livestock ownership or access.
The Nebraska 4-H livestock programs offer life-changing opportunities for youth. 4-H members practice life skills, such as responsibility, self-discipline, personal safety, goal setting, and keeping records. The focus of the Nebraska 4-H livestock programs is the total development of the young person. The livestock shows and related activities and contests are utilized as a vehicle for human growth and development. The programs aim to develop confident, competent, caring individuals who have good character and are connected to their communities.
To learn more about 4-H livestock events and activities in your community, contact your local Extension office.
Information available here is applicable for beef, sheep, swine, goat, poultry, rabbit, and dairy exhibitors. Additional Companion Animal programs and Horse programs are also available.
Livestock Program Resources
- Calendar of 4-H Livestock Events
- Animal Exhibitor Handbook (2024)
- State Fair Livestock Identification
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) Certification
All 4-H members enrolled in livestock projects are required to complete annual quality assurance training and certification through the Youth for Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) program. This includes youth enrolled in beef, dairy cattle, goat, sheep, swine, poultry, or rabbit projects. Youth may complete online training courses or attend in-person training workshops held by their county Extension offices.
Livestock Achievement Program
The Nebraska 4-H Livestock Achievement Program is designed to promote all educational aspects of 4-H livestock projects including selection, production, leadership, and exhibition by recognizing youth striving to improve in their livestock project knowledge and leadership.
Livestock Achievement Program
Premier Animal Science Event
PASE is a two-day event designed to help youth learn about issues related to the animal industry, explore career opportunities, compete with other teens from across the state, and have fun! Youth may participate in livestock judging, poultry judging, meats judging, livestock skillathon, and livestock quiz bowl.
Great Plains Livestock Judging Circuit
The Great Plains Livestock Judging Circuit is a lineup of contests held throughout the state giving youth the opportunity to perfect their skills in preparation for the Nebraska 4-H Premier Animal Science Event (PASE). Qualifying youth must attend a minimum of two contests in addition to the PASE livestock judging contest in order to be eligible for awards and scholarships.
Great Plains Livestock Judging Circuit
County Fairs
County Fairs offer a local opportunity for 4-H members to exhibit and show their livestock projects. In order to participate in 4-H at County Fairs, youth must be officially enrolled members and must have completed the county's ID requirements. Each county implements their own requirements, timeframes, and guidelines for County Fair livestock shows.
County Fair
Farrowed & Owned Swine Cohort
The Nebraska 4-H Farrowed & Owned Swine Cohort is an opportunity for youth interested in learning more about the swine industry. The program is designed to cultivate the next generation of leaders in the Nebraska swine industry. The goal is to enhance the educational value of the traditional 4-H swine projects by focusing on swine production
Farrowed & Owned Swine Cohort
Livestock Information Series
The Nebraska 4-H Livestock Information Series is a resource for 4-H members, leaders, and parents to gain knowledge in various livestock-related topic areas. Each session, a new topic is covered with experts joining to share their experience and expertise. Extended learning opportunities and supporting documents are also available for each topic.
Livestock Information Series
Winners Unlimited UNL Livestock Judging Camp
The Winners Unlimited UNL Livestock Judging Camp is designed for 4-H and FFA members looking to improve their livestock evaluation and oral reason skills. Activities focus on proper evaluation with an emphasis on reasons format, terminology, and presentation.
Livestock Judging Camp
Nebraska State Fair
At the Nebraska State Fair, 4-H members have the opportunity to showcase what they have learned and worked on throughout the year. A number of 4-H livestock shows and animal science contests take place at the Nebraska State Fair. Any 4-H member planning to exhibit a live animal at the Nebraska State Fair must complete the livestock ID and nomination requirements and complete the online entry process by the appropriate deadlines.
State Fair
Fed Steer Challenge
The 4-H Fed Steer Challenge is designed to enhance the educational value of the traditional 4-H beef projects by providing an affordable option that rewards production merit and carcass value, along with accurate and complete record keeping, industry knowledge, and producer engagement by the 4-H member.
Fed Steer Challenge
Online Livestock Judging Video Series
Practice livestock judging from home! Start by sorting through the class and working on your reasons. Then, get tips and tricks for improving your skills while listening to a critique of the class.
Online Livestock Judging Video Series