The Nebraska 4-H Premier Animal Science Event (PASE) features a variety of state-level animal science contests. The two-day event is held annually at the Nebraska Animal Science Complex in Lincoln. Youth explore issues related to the animal industry, discover college and career opportunities, and work with other youth from across the state. Youth have the opportunity to participate in livestock contests that do not require owning or exhibiting a live animal, including livestock, meat, poultry, companion animal, and animal welfare judging, as well as livestock skill-a-thon and livestock quiz bowl. Youth can participate in more than one contest or event as their schedule allows. In addition, youth will have chances to explore the University of Nebraska–Lincoln East Campus, meet with faculty members and current college students, and have fun with friends!
Pre-Registration is required for all participants. Pre-registration is completed by county Extension offices. Registration will open on May 1 and will close on May 29 (Noon CST). For more information, please contact your local Extension office.
Like all 4-H programs, the Premier Animal Science Event relies heavily on volunteers to run a smooth event. A variety of roles are available throughout the two-day event, such as moderators, scorekeepers, timekeepers, and group leaders. To volunteer at this year's event or to learn more about the volunteer opportunities, please visit the volunteer sign-up form.
2025 Volunteer Sign-Up (Coming Soon!)
Thank You
The Nebraska 4-H Premier Animal Science Event is sponsored by the Nebraska College of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Nebraska Investment Finance Authority.
Program Contact
For questions about this program or the information on this page, please contact: