General Rules


  1. 4-H members are eligible to participate in judging, skill, and identification contests regardless of project enrollment. 
  2. All participants in events must be at least 8 years of age before January 1 of the current year. 
  3. Pre-registration is necessary for all contests. Pre-registration is completed by county Extension offices. For more information, please contact your local Extension office.
  4. To represent Nebraska at a regional or national 4-H contest, all members of the team entered in the qualifying state contest (including the alternate on a four-member team) must have reached their 14th birthday and not passed their 19th birthday by January 1 of the current year and all (including the alternate) must meet the requirements of the regional or national contest in which they participate. 
  5. Verification of eligibility is based on information provided by county extension staff. 
  6. The final year of eligibility for all contests is the final year of 4-H membership, regardless of year in school. 4-H members who have competed with a collegiate judging team or those that have completed college-level courses specific to the contest subject matter are ineligible to compete in PASE contests. (Examples: completion of a college-level introductory animal science course would eliminate eligibility for the livestock quiz bowl; completion of a livestock judging class or participation with a community college livestock judging team would eliminate eligibility for the livestock judging contest). 
  7. 4-H'ers become ineligible to compete on a team if they have represented Nebraska in the designated National 4-H contest. Designated National 4-H contests are: Livestock Judging - National 4-H Contest in Louisville, KY Meats Judging - National 4-H Contest in Manhattan, KS Poultry Judging - National 4-H Contest in Louisville, KY Dairy Judging - National 4-H Contest in Madison, WI - Skill-a-thon - National 4-H Livestock Skill-a-thon Contest in Louisville, KY 
  8. Individuals that are selected and compete in a national contest based on their individual placing in the state level contest (rather than county team placing) are eligible to return to the state contest and judge on a county team. 
  9. 4-H'ers who have competed in a national or regional level contest that is not the designated contest are eligible to compete for team and individual honors. 
  10. High point individuals may return to state competition and compete again for individual and/or team honors.

Team Entries

Youth are only eligible to compete on a team in their primary county or in combination with an adjacent county. Multi-County teams are considered to be affiliated with those particular counties and will count against the maximum number of teams that may be entered by any given county. If a county does not have enough youth to complete a team, youth may enter to compete as individuals.

NO county/unit teams should solicit team members without the knowledge and support of Extension Staff of counties/units from which other team members are recruited.

Entry Fees

4-H members involved in any of the Judging Contest are required to pay a non-refundable entry fee of $10.00 per individual. Members involved in the Quiz Bowl or Skill-a-thon are required to pay a non-refundable entry fee of $10.00 per individual. Pre-registration is required for participation in all contests, workshops, meals and for housing requirements.


Participants in ANY PORTION of these events and contests are expected to conduct themselves in a positive manner that contributes to the program. You are expected to:

  • Participate fully in all scheduled programs.
  • Be courteous and kind to everyone.
  • Respect people, furnishings, and equipment.
  • Observe building and residence hall rules.
  • Do not use alcohol, drugs (except as prescribed by a doctor) or tobacco products.

Disruptive behavior may result in expulsion from the event and/or the violator being sent home at the parents’ expense. Remember, character does count!

While a contest with individuals places is in progress, a contestant shall not communicate with others, except as directed by the Superintendent of the contest. Participants will be informed of regulations at the beginning of each contest.

Dress Code

No hats, caps, or other types of headgear are to be worn and no county or club identification is permitted. If PASE T-shirts are available, contestants are encouraged, but not required to wear these during contest participation.

Meals & Lodging (2025 Rates Coming Soon!)

Thursday and Friday's lunch will be available at a cost of $5 per contestant. These meals will be offered free of charge to staff, parents and family members who are helping with the event. To properly prepare for meals, pre-registration is necessary; please contact your local Extension Office.

Lodging will be available in Massengale Residential Center at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s East Campus (35th & Holdrege) on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Pre-registration is necessary; please contact your local Extension office. Youth pre-registering for a stay in the residence halls will be assigned roommates and will stay in double rooms unless accompanied by their parent or guardian, in which case they may stay with their parent or guardian. Rooms are $25 per person, per night and include a grab and go breakfast. Lodging fees are required in advance and are non-refundable. Sheets, pillows, and pillowcases will be provided. Participants will need to bring their own blankets, towels and personal products.


The results of the Meats Judging, Poultry Judging, Quiz Bowl, Skill-a-thon, and Livestock Judging Contest will be announced Friday afternoon following the livestock judging contest.

The top-placing individual in each of the judging contests will receive a scholarship from the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and from the Animal Science Department at UNL. Individuals of the top-placing Skill-a-thon team will receive a scholarship from the College of Agricultural and Natural Resources. Individuals of the top placing Sr. Quiz Bowl team will receive a scholarship from the Animal Science Department at UNL.

The top three individuals in each of the judging contests will receive medals: Gold (1st), Silver (2nd), and Bronze (3rd). For Quiz Bowl and Skill-a-thon, the top two teams will receive medals.

All youth and visitors are encouraged to stay for awards announcements.

Program Contact

For questions about this program or the information on this page, please contact: