FIRST LEGO League Team Information

Unloading Procedure

Campus Rec Center Unloading and Entrance

Teams can unload their pit items in front of the Campus Recreation Center. There is another driveway location just east of the Cook Pavilion that teams can access to unload pit items. There will be limited wagons and carts available for use.

Note: The area in front of the Campus Recreation Center is a one-way fire lane so teams will unload and transition the vehicle to the parking lot to allow for other teams to unload.

There will be one entrance to the event, and that is the front of the Campus Recreation Center.

Note: The Campus Recreation Center is connected to the Cook Pavilion and Coliseum.

Nebraska Union Unloading Zone

For teams who may want to drive to the judging session to unload judging items, there will be an unloading zone in front of the Nebraska Union on "R" Street. There is also metered parking along "R" Street if you want to park nearby the judging location.


Team Check-In

Registration for teams will open at 8:00 a.m. CST on Friday, March 21 and remain open throughout the day. Registration for teams will be located at Pit Administration which will be in the entrance of the Cook Pavilion. Teams will not have to turn in any items to check-in for this event, just confirm they are present and pick up a coach's packet. The coach's packet will include maps, schedules, youth evaluation forms, a media lanyard and two coach lanyards. Coaches will be asked to check-in on Saturday, March 22, at Pit Admin between 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. to ensure your team has arrived for the day.

Coaches Meeting

We will hold a brief coach meeting at 10:30 a.m. in the Coliseum. This meeting is not mandatory but recommended that at least one coach or mentor be in attendance. This is an opportunity to understand the flow pattern through the competition area, ask judge-related questions, ask robot game questions and any other tournament-related questions. A virtual meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 18 at 4 PM CT for those who will be traveling that morning and may not arrive by the scheduled time.

Opening Ceremony

At 8:30 a.m. CT on Saturday, March 22, just prior to the start of the Robot Performance rounds, join us for the Opening Ceremony! This is a fun celebration to open the day. After this ceremony, you will be ready to tackle the Robot Game!

Team Master Schedule

2025 Master Team Schedule

Judging Schedule

2025 Judging Pod Schedule        2025 Judging Map

Herbie Husker Schedule

2025 Match Schedule for Herbie Husker Division 

Lil' Red Schedule

2025 Match Schedule for Lil Red Division 

Pit Area

Each team will have a team pit area with one standard-sized table and three chairs. Teams will be assigned to a pit table for this event. Team pit tables will be housed in the Cook Pavilion. The pit area will be used for working on your robot, displaying information about your team, talking with judges and spectators. Teams are required to maintain the pit display within the designated boundaries (10' x 10'). We encourage you to decorate your pit area and display information about your team. EZ Canopy's, tents, and balloon arches are all acceptable.

Note: Due to limited electricity inside the Pavilion, do not use any type of decorations that require electricity. Battery operated decorations are allowed.   

We recommend that you bring the following for your team to have in the Pit Area: 

  • A bin or large bags (like trash bags) to store personal belongings, like coats, under your table.
  • Robot and all robot supplies (attachments and additional building pieces).
  • Laptop computer and power cord.
  • A box or small bin to carry your robot and attachments to and from the competition area.
  • A team display board.
  • A team banner or other team sign - to hang from your pit table and carry for Opening & Closing Ceremonies.
  • Games (there will be some periods of downtime in the morning -- bring some small games that the team can play when things are slow).

Other items to bring (label EVERYTHING with your team number):

  • Robot, attachments, spare parts and all chargers.
  • Judging Notebooks.
  • Team Information Sheet (3 copies).
  • Extra batteries.
  • USB cable.
  • Laptop with program.
  • Snacks/food (eat and store outside of the Cook).
  • Card games if needed.
  • Gracious Professionalism!!!!!

* Parents like to bring pop-up lawn chairs to sit in during the event. There will be some space along the walls that could be used to set up chairs.

                                                                                                            Pit Map

Some Pit Area Rules for you to keep in mind: 

  • Coaches should NEVER work on the robot, the attachments, or the robot programming. In fact, coaches should refrain from handling the robot, attachments, or the computer - safe your internet surfing for another time. 
    Note: If your team encounters technical difficulty, let someone at the tournament know so that the officials at the event understand why a coach might need to handle a robot or work on the computer.

Charging Stations

We will have multiple charging tables available to charge batteries and laptops. Please have your robot and all electronic devices fully charged up! 

Practice Tables

For the Championship, there will be practice tables available and a sign-up for times to use the practice tables. Teams will not be allowed to bring in their Challenge Set at the Championship. There will be eight practice tables available which means each team can sign up for 3 - 10-minute spots. Please be courteous of the team in line after you and be completed before their allotted time slot. 


Championship Practice Table Schedule

Remember to be gracious professionals when using a Practice Table:

  • Be mindful of your time and other teams' needs (in the event that another team has a crisis with their robot - robot repairs, loss of firmware, etc. - please be courteous and allow a team facing a crisis to use your practice time).
  • Reset the Practice Table for the next team.
  • Make sure you check that you do not take a mission model from the Practice Table.
  • Offer help to teams that may need it!


The judging format will follow the 30-minute flowchart. The in-person interviews will be held in the Nebraska Union. An internal map is available of each judging pod. All judging pods will be on the second floor of the Nebraska Union or the Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center.

Note: The Championship will not offer projectors and screens for the Innovation Project judging session. Teams may bring a device such as a laptop/tablet for the judges to view as they move along with the presentation. Teams can show some video footage but keep it limited to 30 seconds and under.


Judging Spectators Guidelines:

For the Championship, spectators will be allowed in the judging rooms. Spectators and coaches should be silent observers of the judging process and refrain from influencing the session in any way. Nobody should stand directly behind the judges.

Pit Interviews:

In 2024-2025, there will be team Pit Interviews on Saturday, March 22 from 9:30 AM-NOON. Each team will have an assigned time to meet with a panel of judges at the team pit area. Team members can stand around the front of your pit area or in the pit area as you are interviewed by the judges. 

Robot Game

Your team is responsible for knowing and understanding the FIRST LEGO League Robot Game. You are required to know the following for the robot competition: Field Setup, Rules, Missions, and Robot Game Updates.

Coaches: Two coaches will be permitted to join the team on the competition floor, but you must stay behind the line with the team and refrain from actively directing the team during the game. Please do not touch or handle the robot or attachments during this time. Consider yourselves spectators with the best spot in the house to watch the game.

Media: There will be one badge allocated as a “Media” representative for your team. You may exchange the lanyard throughout the day. The purpose of this role is to record the team’s robot game run or take images of the team. There will be a special spot in the game for this role.

On Saturday, March 22, your team will participate four (4) times at the Tournament Tables – the Robot Game will begin with a scored Practice Round. The purpose of the scored Practice Round is to give your team the opportunity to experience the queuing process, competition timing, and of course, to get rid of some of those nerves. This scored Practice Round is just that – a practice – and it does not count, even if this is the best score your team has at this tournament. Your Robot Performance score is the highest score your team achieves out of the three official rounds.

NEW: Each team will be able to sign up for two scored Practice Rounds on Friday, March 21. These matches will be scored on the official robot game tables that will be in the Coliseum. You are not required to sign up for these optional matches and your team could even choose just to participate in one match and not both. We are offering this for those teams who may not have run their robot at a Mini-Play, and this can provide the extra practice of what to expect in your official matches. Friendly reminder, please do not edit an existing coach’s submission in the sign-up.

Friday Scored Practice Round Sign-Up Schedule

NEW: Due to the number of competition teams, there will be two official game divisions, LIL RED and HERBIE HUSKER. All robot games scores will be collected as one competition. With two divisions, this is better for logistics, A/V, and is more spectator friendly.

NOTE: Bluetooth may not be used at the competition tables.

Reminder: Teams will not be allowed to use carts within the competition robot game area. Teams can use carts outside of the competition area, but only folding tray tables will be allowed inside the competition robot game area.

Make sure you are ready to compete at least ten minutes prior to your scheduled robot round. Remember to respect the referees and the other teams – and HAVE FUN!


The following awards will be presented at this tournament:

  • Champion's Award - 1st Place, 3 Finalists
  • Robot Design Award - 1st Place, 3 Finalists
  • Core Values Award - 1st Place, 3 Finalists
  • Innovation Project Award - 1st Place, 3 Finalists
  • Nebraska Innovation Award
  • Robot Performance Award (Top 4)
  • Rising All-Star Award (2)
  • Breakthrough Award (2)
  • Engineering Excellence Award (2)
  • Motivate Award (2)
  • Coach/Mentor Award
  • Volunteer Award
  • Special Recognition Awards (Based off Pit Interviews)

Advancing Events

The top three placing teams in the Championship will be offered a ticket to two International Invitationals. Coaches should discuss prior to the event, in the case of advancement if the team will accept the invitation. The top placing team will have their choice between the two events listed below, the second highest placing team will have the opportunity to accept or decline the remaining events and the third-place team will be offered the remaining slot. If one of the top three placing teams decline an event, the fourth placing team will be offered the opportunity to accept or decline the remaining event.

2025 World Festival
April 16-19, 2025

  • Location: George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX
  • Registration Fee: $2,000
  • Event Web Site:
  • Deadline to Accept Invitation: Sunday, March 23, 2025, at 12 p.m. CT
  • (One slot)

2025 WPI Annual FIRST LEGO League Event (WAFFLE) 
June 13-15, 2025

  • Location: Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worchester, Massachusetts
  • Registration Fee: $1,750
  • Event Web Site: 
  • Deadline to Accept Invitation: Monday, March 24 2025, at 12 p.m. CT
  • (Two slots)

Food Experiences

Nebraska Union

Friday Only: The Nebraska Union will have on-site food options and seating areas for teams to eat on campus. Teams will be allowed to bring in outside food to the Nebraska Union. For a list of restaurants and hours of operation, please check this link the week of March 17.

Note: The Nebraska Union will be closed on Saturday. Please no small appliances requiring electricity or bringing in outside tables for a food setup station.


Campus Recreation Center

Friday and Saturday: Teams can bring in outside food to the Campus Recreation Center but in limited areas. There will be no food or drinks (except for water) allowed in the Cook Pavilion due to the turf flooring. Teams are able to pack snacks in a tote or cooler and store in an area in the Coliseum. Snack totes and coolers will not be allowed in the Cook Pavilion. 

Food and drinks are welcome and allowed in the Coliseum stands, entrance to the City Campus Rec, and limited table seating. Concessions will not be provided at this event. Teams can call in food delivery from a local food venue and eat in limited areas. 

Note: Please no small appliances requiring electricity or bringing in outside tables for a food setup station. 


UNL Dining Center

We are excited to offer teams an on-campus dining experience at the Harper Dining Center during the 2025 FIRST LEGO League Championship. 

Saturday Only: 

Due to limited seating, there will be two waves of lunch release for the Harper Dining Center. A list will be provided to coaches with wave team assignments. 

  • 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
  • 12:30 PM-2:00 PM 

Additional information will be provided in the upcoming days for those who choose to eat at the Harper Dining Center. 


Herbie's Market at Village

Offering to-go food options, snacks, drinks, Husker gear, and more; our Herbie's Markets are your on-campus convenience stores.

For both Friday and Saturday the Herbie’s Market will be open from 9am-11pm.  

Merchandise Store

Official Apparel

Don’t forget to visit the Championship Merchandise Store located in the Cook Pavilion!

For this year’s challenge championships, participants, coaches, and family members will have the opportunity to have your official merchandise printed right before their eyes. 

Choose from a large selection of sportswear items including short sleeve & long sleeve cotton t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts, crew sweatshirts and performance apparel in a variety of sizes and colors, along with plenty of unique design options to customize your gear and make it uniquely yours!

Payment options will include cash, card, Apple and Google Pay.

Program Contact

For questions about this program or the information on this page, please contact: