Volunteer Recognition

Nebraska 4-H Volunteer Awards

The Nebraska 4-H volunteer recognition program is designed to complement the tradition of recognizing outstanding volunteers and provide a standard and consistent approach to volunteer recognition across Nebraska. The purpose is to provide a base for Extension staff to sustain volunteers, build leadership potential, and offer recognition and praise for the great work of volunteers.


  • Nomination Form Opens - February 8
  • Nomination Form Closes - March 15
  • Award Winners Announcement - Week of the Volunteer
  • Awards Presentation - Nebraska State Fair (date TBD) 

Nominations can be submitted by any 4-H member, family, supporter, or Extension staff member. Nominees must fit the award categories below and can be a volunteer for any Nebraska 4-H experience. Some examples may include 4-H club leader, project leader, junior leader, county or State Fair volunteer, special interest volunteer, such as robotics or shooting sports, afterschool club volunteer, 4-H camp volunteer. etc.

2024 Nomination Form

Award Categories

Emerging Adult Volunteer Award

This award category is open to any adult (age 19+) who has served in a 4-H volunteer role for three or less years and has made an impact on 4-H programs (clubs, school enrichment, afterschool, camp, special interest) in their local county program and beyond. One award winner per engagement zone will be chosen. See the map at epd.unl.edu to determine which zone your nominee would represent. Counties are shaded in the map to correspond with Engagement Zones.

Nominations must include:

  • Nominee name, address, email, and phone
  • Nominee photo (optional)
  • County
  • Engagement zone
  • Role
  • Years of service
  • Describe their contributions and impact they have made on the local and/or state 4-H program (300-word count limit)
  • Describe how the nominee has enabled youth to find their spark through 4-H (300-word county limit)

Outstanding Adult Volunteer Award

This award category is open to any adult (age 19+) who has served in a 4-H volunteer role for four or more years and has made an impact on 4-H programs (clubs, school enrichment, afterschool, camp, special interest) in their local county program and beyond. One award winner per engagement zone will be chosen. See the map at epd.unl.edu to determine which zone your nominee would represent. Counties are shaded in the map to correspond with Engagement Zones.

Nominations must include:

  • Nominee name, address, email, and phone
  • Nominee photo (optional)
  • County
  • Engagement zone
  • Role
  • Years of service
  • Describe their contributions and impact they have made on the local and/or state 4-H program (300-word count limit)
  • Describe how the nominee has enabled youth to find their spark through 4-H (300-word county limit)

Outstanding Youth Volunteer Award

This award category is open to any youth volunteer (4-H age 14-18) who has made an impact on 4-H programs (club, school enrichment, afterschool, camp, special interest) in their local county program and beyond. One award winner will be chosen statewide.

Nominations must include:

  • Nominee name, address, email, and phone
  • Nominee photo (optional)
  • County where youth is enrolled as 4-H member, if applicable
  • Role
  • Number of years of service
  • Describe their contributions and impact they have made on the local and/or state 4-H program (300-word count limit)
  • How has the nominee encouraged other youth to thrive through the 4-H program? (300-word county limit)

Multi-Generation Family Volunteer Award

This award category is open to any multi-generation family who has made an impact on 4-H programs (clubs, school enrichment, afterschool, camp, special interest) in their local county program and beyond. One award winner will be chosen statewide. 

Nominations must include:

  • Nominee Family Members (list all family members involved by generation and number of generations) i.e. First-generation would be grandparents, the second generation would be parents, and the third generation would be children. 
  • List the county or counties in which the nominee family served as volunteers.
  • Describe their contributions and the impact they have made on the local and/or state 4-H program (500-word count limit).
  • Describe how the nominee has enabled youth to find their spark in 4-H (500-word count limit). 

National 4-H Salute to Excellence Award

The National 4-H Salute to Excellence Volunteer Recognition Award recognizes 4-H volunteers who demonstrate exemplary service to 4-H while promoting service through volunteerism as both an opportunity and a privilege.

Each year, each state 4-H program can nominate two outstanding individual volunteers for the 4-H Salute to Excellence Awards. The Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer Award is given to an individual who has spent 10 or more years as a 4-H volunteer while the Volunteer of the Year Award is given to an individual who has volunteered for 4-H less than 10 years.

Download 2021 Information Packet

For questions about this program or the information on this page, please contact: