4-H empowers young people to be true leaders. True Leaders are people who have confidence, will stick to a job until it gets done, and can endure through challenges. In 4-H, we believe true leaders aren't born–they're grown. The 4-H experience is proven to grow true leaders with life skills like confidence, independence, resilience, and compassion. Communities across Nebraska need true leaders now more than ever.
We want to hear what you're doing to serve your community! Submit your community service project for a chance to be showcased.
Hands to Larger Service
Use your hands, go outside, and do LARGER SERVICE. Look for ways you can positively contribute to your community. Some ideas might include:
- Planting a Pollinator Garden
- Growing a vegetable garden and donate produce
- Cleaning up yards for individuals who cannot leave their homes
- Leaving positive messages on trails or sidewalks (outdoor signs, sidewalk chalk, etc.)
- Building, donating, and filling bird feeders at a nursing home, assisted living area, daycares, etc.
Be sure to ask owners before accessing a property, contact food pantries before donating fresh foods, contact city/park before posting signage, etc.

Share a Story
Use your heart to share a story that illustrates the impact of the current situation on you, your family, your neighbor, your community, or your world. Be creative and express yourself through any medium you choose! For example, try:
- Creating a photography project
- Drawing, painting, or creating a digital illustration
- Writing a story or poem
- Developing and recording a public service announcement (video or audio)
- Constructing a 3D model landscape
- Composing a song
- Producing a PowerPoint presentation
Share photos of your finished projects with #4HShareAStory.

Community Scavenger Hunt
Organize a new or participate in an existing weekly themed scavenger hunt in your community. Those who want to participate will put the selected theme in their windows for others to drive around and find. For example, themes might include:
- Bear Hunt
- Easter Egg Hunt
- Hearts for Healthcare Staff
- 4-H Clover Hunt
- Safari Hunt
- Farm Animals
Share your weekly scavenger hunt photos using #4HFoundIt, and be sure to include the number of items you found!