Advanced Hunt Seat Equitation/Saddle Seat Equitation Pattern #2

Saddle Seat Equitation Pattern 2 Horse Guide

Maximum score for pattern is 100 points.

Tack and Attire

  1. Refer to Hunter/Saddle Seat tack and attire requirements on pages 17-26.

Pattern and Maximum Points

Note: Exhibitors will post (rises) the trot unless otherwise specified.

  1. Lead in, and mount. Walk 10 yards, trot 20 yards and stop. (5 points)
  2. Drop stirrups, walk 10 yards, trot 20 yards, lope on right lead around corner and down center of arena, stop. Pick up stirrups. (20 points) 
  3. Trot (sitting) 10 yards, stop and back 5 yards. 180-degree forehand — counterclockwise; 180-degree pivot — counterclockwise and stop. (20 points)
  4. Pick up left lead and lope down center of arena, turn left and trot (sitting) around corner. Pick up right lead (counter lead), lope 20 yards, hand gallops 30 yards and stop (10 seconds). (20 points)
  5. Pivot 90-degrees left and stop. Trot (sitting) to center of figure 8 and lope a 40-foot circle to the right, simple change of lead, lope 40-foot circle to the left. (15 points)
  6. At completion of the figure 8, trot to serpentine line and trot serpentine, maintaining proper diagonals to stop. (15 points).
  7. Dismount and lead out. (5 points)