Advanced Hunter Under Saddle/Saddle Seat Pattern #2

Under Saddle Seat Pattern 2 Horse Guide

Maximum score for pattern is 100 points.

Tack and Attire

  1. Refer to English tack and attire requirements on pages 17-26.

Pattern and Maximum Points

Note: Exhibitors will post (rises) the trot unless otherwise specified.

  1. Enter, walk 10 yards, trot 20 yards. (10 points)
  2. Extended trot 30 yards to marker, stop prompt and collected. (20 points)
  3. Pick up right lead and canter around corner and down center of arena, stop. Back 5 yards and stop. (20 points)
  4. Pick up left lead and canter down center of arena, turn left and trot. (10 points)
  5. Continue trot around the corner and trot (sitting) 20-foot circle to the left. At completion of circle pick up left lead and canter 30 yards, stop. Pivot 90 degrees left and stop. (20 points)
  6. Trot (sitting) serpentine and stop. (10 points)
  7. Leave arena at free walk on loose rein. (10 points)