General Regulations

A halter class is defined as a class where the horse is judged upon its conformation. The purpose of the class is to select well-mannered individuals in the order of resemblance to their respected breed ideal and that are the most positive combination of balance, structural correctness, and movement with appropriate breed and sex characteristics and adequate muscling.

One of the most important criteria in selecting a horse is conformation, or its physical appearance. The goal in selection should always be to find the best conformed horse possible that most closely resembles the ideal set forth by the breed registry of each individual. Rating conformation depends on objective evaluation of the following four traits: balance, structural correctness, breed and sex characteristics, and degree of muscling. Of the four, balance is the single most important, and refers to the structural and aesthetic blending of body parts. Balance is influenced almost entirely by skeletal structure.

The 4-H Horse Halter Show may select any combination of classes. Most shows will not have sufficient single breed entries to conduct a separate breed show, and all breeds and grades will show by sex and age. Individuals will be judged against the standards for the particular breed or type they most nearly represent. Stock, Hunter or Saddle Seat halter classes may be separate classes or combined. Stallions may show only in the year foaled. Horses become one year older on January 1 for show purposes.

Tack and Attire

  1. efer to requirements for Western, Hunter, and Saddle classes on pages 17-26.
  2. Tack and exhibitor attire must be appropriate for the horse being exhibited and comply with the appointment requirements.

Classes That May Be Included

Classes may be divided by age, sex (mares and geldings), and size (horses have a mature height of greater than 14.2 hands; ponies have a mature height of 14.2 hands or less).

  1. Foals
  2. Yearlings
  3. 2-year-olds
  4. 3-year-olds
  5. 4-year-olds and older

Breed or type of horse (in addition to dividing the class by age, classes may be added by the type or breed of horse).

  1. Hunter
  2. Stock
  3. Saddle Seat

Suggested Procedures for Judging Halter Classes

Horses will walk to the judge one at a time. As the horse approaches, the judge will step to the right (or left) of the horse to enable the horse to trot straight to a cone placed approximately 50 feet away. At the cone, the horse will continue trotting, turn to the left and trot toward the left wall or fence of the arena. After trotting, horses will be lined up head to tail for individual inspection by the judge. The judge shall inspect each horse from both sides, front, and rear.

Disqualifications will occur in the following instances:

  • Evidence of lameness
  • Judge will immediately excuse horse from arena
  • Fall to the ground by horse. A horse is deemed to have fallen when its should and/or hip and/or underline touches the ground
  • Improper equipment, evidence of abuse, or other violation of Nebarska 4-H Rules
  • Loss of control of the horse to the point that the horse is loose in the arena
  • Exhibitor disrespect towards the judge(s)

State Show Classes

  1. Yearling and 2-year-old halter fillies/mares — longe line
  2. 3 to 5 year old halter mares
  3. 6 to 10 year old halter mares
  4. 11 and older halter mares
  5. Miniature/Shetland pony halter mares (<46”)
  6. Yearling and 2-year-old halter geldings — longe halter
  7. 3 to 5 year old halter geldings
  8. 6 to 10 year old halter geldings
  9. 11 and older halter geldings
  10. Miniature/Shetland pony halter geldings (<46”)