Ride Pattern
- It is the contestant's responsibility to ensure the gate is closed before crossing the starting line. Crossing the starting line before the gate is closed will result in a 2 second penalty.
- The pole bending pattern is to be run around six poles (minimum height of 6 feet), each 21 feet apart, with the first pole 21 feet from the start-finish line.
- A horse may start either to the right or to the left of the first pole and then run the rest of the pattern accordingly.
- Time is started as soon as the horse's nose crosses the start-finish line. Time is stopped when the course is run and the horse's nose crosses the start-finish line.
- The start-finish line shall be the same line and should be visible on the ground or by side markers 10 yards apart. Riders must start and finish between markers or they will be considered off course.
- Poles shall be set on top of the ground, 6 feet in height with no base more than 14 inches in diameter. The poles should not be over 2 inches in diameter.
Scoring Procedure
- Strictly a timed event. The fastest time is the winner, the second fastest time is second, etc.
- A straight, smooth forward pattern is required. Going by a pole on the wrong side as far as the shoulder point shall be considered off course even if the horse is connected later. Extra loops in the pattern other than those normally diagramed shall be considered off course.
- Any horse not following the exact pattern will receive the lowest ribbon placing in final standing.
Cause for 2-Second Penalty
- Horse led into the arena
- Crossing the start line before the gate is closed
- More than one circle taken after entering the arena, but prior to start of the run
- Losing hat while in the arena
- Touch or cross the start/finish line before the pattern is completed
- Failure to dismount prior to leaving the arena
- For each pole tipped over
- Competing without a 4-H armband
Cause for No Time Or Disqualification
- Failure to follow course
- Use of bat, spurs, reins in front of cinch.
- Extra loops in the pattern other than those diagramed
- Going by a pole on the wrong side as far as the point of the shoulder even if the horse is later corrected
- Starting or finishing run outside of markers on the start/finish line
- Touching a pole with a hand
- Failure to enter the arena and cross the start line within 30 seconds after called
- Ball caps; over and under ropes on saddle horn