This class will be judged on the performance of the horse over obstacles, with emphasis on manners, response to the rider and quality of movement. Credit will be given to horses negotiating the obstacles with style and some degree of speed, providing correctness is not sacrificed. Horses should receive credit for showing attentiveness to the obstacles and the capability of picking their own way through the course when obstacles warrant it, and willingly responding to the rider's cues on more difficult obstacles.

Horses shall be penalized for any unnecessary delay while approaching or negotiating the obstacles. Horses with artificial appearance over obstacles should be penalized.

Horses must not be required to work on the rail. The course must be designed, however, to require each horse to show the three gaits (walk, jog, lope) somewhere between obstacles as a part of its work, and quality of movement and cadence should be considered as part of the maneuver score. While on the line of travel between obstacles, the horse shall be balanced, carrying their head and neck in a relaxed, natural position, with the poll level with or slightly above the withers. The head should not be carried behind the vertical, giving the appearance of intimidation, or be excessively nosed out, giving a resistant appearance. Gait between obstacles shall be at the discretion of the judge.

Tack and Attire

  1. Exhibitors may use Western, Hunter or Saddle Seat tack and attire. Refer to requirements on pages 17-26.
  2. Prohibited: Mechanical hackamores, gag bits, draw reins, tie downs, any type martingale, cavesson noseband in western bridle, crop or whip, protective leg wraps or boots.

General Regulations

  1. This class will be judged on the contestant's ability to show the horse properly in the various gaits and through the various obstacles according to the judge's directions. Conformation of the horse will not be considered in this class.
  2. Western and Hunter/Saddle Seat entries may be shown together or in separate classes.
  3. The judge may prohibit the use of bits or equipment that they consider severe or show undue advantage to the entry.
  4. The judge(s) have the authority to motion an exhibitor to the next obstacle. The judge's decision shall be final and is not subject to protest. 
  5. The course should be designed to require each horse to walk, trot and lope somewhere between obstacles. 
  6. The trail course should be posted one hour before the class starts.
  7. Six to 10 obstacles would furnish an adequate test for most riders.
  8. At least 6 obstacles should be used, 4 of which will be mandatory and 2 or more which would be selected from the approved list. All obstacles should be safe, logical and appropriate to the general ability of those competing.
  9. When setting the course, the idea is not to trap a horse or eliminate it by making an obstacle too difficult. Enough space must be provided for a horse to trot at least 20 feet and lope at least 30-40 feet for these gaits to be evaluated.

Mandatory Obstacles

  1. Opening, passing through, and closing a gate, ride over at least 4 logs or poles, and backing obstacle. Care should be exercised in selecting a gate that will not endanger horse or rider. Gate should be a minimum of 4 feet in length and 4 feet in height. Rider should not change hands or lose control of the gate while passing through.
  2. Riding over at least four logs. These can be in a straight line, curved, zigzag, or raised. The space between the logs should be measured and the path the horse is to take should be the measuring point. Walk-over logs placed 20-24 inches apart; trot-over logs, 3-3.25 feet apart; and lope-over logs, 6-6.5 feet apart or increments there of. Elevated walk-overs should be a minimum of 22 inches apart.

Optional Obstacles

  1. Riding over wooden bridge. (Suggested minimum width of 3 feet and length of 6 feet.)
  2. Water hazard (ditch or shallow pond), plastic, tarp
  3. Hobble or ground-tie horse Carrying an object from part of arena to another
  4. Mounting and dismounting from either side
  5. Back horse through "L" shaped or other shaped course (Suggest 28 inches minimum space between poles on ground. Elevated poles should be at least 30 inches apart.)
  6. Put on and remove slicker
  7. Dismount and lead horse over obstacles not less than 14 inches high or greater than 24 inches high
  8. Side pass over obstacle in both directions
  9. Drag an object backward and/or pull an object forward with rope on saddle horn
  10. Open and close mailbox, retrieve object from mailbox
  11. Execute 360-degree pivots or forehand turns in a given space
  12. Serpentine obstacles at walk or jog. Spacing to be minimum of 6' for jog.
  13. Obstacles consisting of four logs or rails, laid in a square. Minimum width should be 6'.

Class Routine

  1. All contestants will gather at the arena at the proper time. Upon call, the contestant will enter the arena and perform individually. Working order for the contestants shall be drawn or randomized.
  2. The course should be designed to require each horse to walk, trot, and lope somewhere between obstacles.

Scoring Procedure

A scoring will be on the basis of zero to infinity, with 70 denoting average performance. Each obstacle will receive an obstacle score that should be added or subtracted from 70. Each obstacle will be scored on the following basis, ranging from plus 1 ½ to minus 1 ½; -1 ½ extremely poor, -1 very poor, -1/2 poor, 0 correct, +1/2 good, +1 very good, +1 ½ excellent. Obstacle scores are to be determined and assessed independently of penalty points.


½ Point

  • Each tick or contact of a log, pole, cone, plant, or any component of an obstacle

1 Point

  • Each hit, bite, or stepping on a log, cone, plant, or any component of the obstacle
  • Incorrect or break of gait at walk or jog for two strides or less
  • Both front or hind feet in a single-strided slot or space at a walk or jog
  • Skipping over or failing to step into required space
  • Split pole in lope-over
  • Incorrect number of strides, if specified

3 Points

  • Incorrect or break of gait at walk or jog for more than two strides
  • Out of lead or break of gait at lope (except when correcting an incorrect lead)
  • Knocking down an elevated pole, cone, barrel, plant, obstacle, or severely disturbing an obstacle
  • Falling or jumping off or out of a bridge or a water box with one foot once the horse has gotten onto or into that obstacle
  • Stepping outside of the confines of an obstacle with designated boundaries (i.e. back-through, 360-degree box, side pass) with one foot once the horse has entered the obstacle
  • Missing or evading a pole that is a part of a series of an obstacle with one foot

5 Points

  • Dropping slicker or object required to be carried on course
  • First or second cumulative refusal or balk, or evading an obstacle by shying or backing
  • Letting go of gate or dropping rope gate
  • Use of either hand to instill fear or praise
  • Falling or jumping off or out of a bridge or a water box with more than one foot once the horse has gotten onto or into that obstacle
  • Stepping outside of the confines of an obstacle with designated boundaries (i.e. back-through, 360-degree box, side pass) with more than one foot once the horse has entered the obstacle
  • Missing or evading a pole that is a part of a series of an obstacle with more than one foot
  • Blatant disobedience (including kicking out, bucking, rearing, striking)

Penalty 0 (Disqualification)

  • Use of two hands (except in snaffle bit or hackamore classes designed for two hands) or changing hands on reins; except for junior horses shown with hackamore or snaffle bit, only one hand may be used on the reins, except that it is permissible to change hands to work an obstacle as outlined in WESTERN EQUIPMENT, or to straighten reins when stopped.
  • Use of romal other than as outlined in WESTERN EQUIPMENT Performing the obstacle incorrectly or other than in specified order
  • No attempt to perform an obstacle
  • Equipment failure to perform an obstacle
  • Equipment failure that delays completion of pattern
  • Excessively or repeatedly touching the horse on the neck to lower the head
  • Entering or exiting an obstacle from the incorrect side or direction
  • Working obstacle the incorrect direction; including overturns of more than a quarter turn
  • Riding outside designated boundary marker of the arena or course area
  • Third cumulative refusal or balk, or evading an obstacle by shying or backing
  • Failure to ever demonstrate correct lead and/or gait as designated
  • Failure to follow the correct line of travel between obstacles
  • Excessive schooling, pulling, turning, stepping, or backing anywhere on course
  • Failure to open and shut gate or failure to complete gate

Faults Scored according to severity which occur on the line of travel between obstacles include:

  • Head carried too high
  • Head carried too low and/or clearly behind the vertical excessively and consistently while the horse is in motion or otherwise showing the appearance of intimidation

Faults which will be cause for disqualification that occur on the line of travel between obstacles:

  • Head carried too low (tip or ear below the withers consistently)
  • Over-flexing or straining neck in head carriage so the nose is carried behind the vertical consistently