Leaders In Training 4-H Camp at Burwell
Overnight Camp (LIT)
In this adventurous session specifically geared toward high school students, campers will develop their grit, confidence, and leadership skills. Through our teen leadership camp experience, young adults will further personal growth and make unforgettable memories while enjoying archery, canoeing, and a variety of other camp activities! After completion of the “Leaders in Training” program, participants will have the training needed and opportunity to become a Jr. Counselor at camp if they wish. This is an opportunity for our teen role models to make an impact in the lives of campers. If interested, Jr. Counselors will have the opportunity to select one of our other camp sessions during the summer to volunteer as a Jr. Counselor.
- Location: Burwell, NE
- Dates: Wednesday, May 28, 2025 - 3:00pm to Saturday, May 31, 2024 - 12:00pm
- Ages: 15 - 16
- Fee: $400
What's the Buzz? 4-H Camp at Chadron
Overnight Camp (ORC1)
Bloom into the best version of yourself at 4-H camp! It’s going to be an unbe-LEAF-able week learning about pollinators and their impact on the environment in Nebraska. Plus, get ready to enjoy the best summer camp has to offer like archery, fishing, horseback riding, and a trip down the super slide! Campers will strengthen their leadership skills and leave empowered to make a difference in their communities.
- Location: Chadron, NE
- Dates: Sunday, June 22, 2025 - 3:00pm to Thursday, June 26, 2025 - 12:00pm
- Ages: 10 - 14
- Fee: $550
What's the Buzz? 4-H Camp 101 at Burwell
Overnight Camp (YRC1)
New to residential camping? Get ready for an un-BEE-lievably fun introduction to 4-H camp! Campers will have a chance to sample all the things that make 4-H summer camp great: Exploring the natural world, team building activities, archery, fishing, canoeing, arts and crafts, campfire songs, and lots of laughs and smiles along the way! This session is also going to be an unbe-LEAF-ably fun way to learn about native pollinators and their importance in Nebraska.
- Location: Burwell, NE
- Dates: Sunday, July 13, 2025 - 3:00pm to Tuesday, July 15, 2025 - 12:00pm
- Ages: 8 - 10
- Fee: $275
What's the Buzz? 4-H Camp at Burwell
Overnight Camp (ORC2)
Bloom into the best version of yourself at 4-H camp! It’s going to be an unbe-LEAF-able week learning about pollinators and their impact on the environment in Nebraska. Plus, get ready to enjoy the best summer camp has to offer like archery, fishing, challenge course, and a tubing trip down the North Loup River! Campers will strengthen their leadership skills and leave empowered to make a difference in their communities.
- Location: Burwell, NE
- Dates: Thursday, July 17, 2025 - 3:00pm to Monday, July 21, 2025 - 12:00pm
- Ages: 10 - 14
- Fee: $550

We're Accredited!
Nebraska 4-H Camp programs are accredited by the American Camp Association! Learn why ACA-Accreditation matters.
Program Contact
For questions about this program or the information on this page, please contact: