The Nebraska 4-H plant science programs offer opportunities for youth to explore plant growth, reproduction, evolution, and adaptation, as well as the use of plants for food, fiber, and ornamental purposes. Along with agronomy and gardening skills, 4-H members also practice life skills such as responsibility, self-discipline, personal safety, goal setting, and record-keeping. The focus of the Nebraska 4-H plant science programs is the total development of the young person. The contests and project experience are utilized as a vehicle for human growth and development. The programs aim to develop confident, competent, caring individuals who have good character and are connected to their communities.
To learn more about 4-H plant science events and activities in your community, contact your local Extension office.
Plant Science Program Resources
Online Horticulture Judging Contest
The Nebraska 4-H Online Horticulture Judging Contest provides youth an opportunity to test their knowledge of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants. The contest is open to all youth, as well as adults. Youth do not need to be enrolled 4-H members to participate.
Online Horticulture Judging Contest
Youth Crop Scouting Competition
The Youth Crop Scouting Competition provides students an opportunity to learn crop scouting and principles of integrated pest management (IPM), explore new crop scouting technologies, and obtain knowledge and skills that can be applied in future careers. The program is open to teams of 4-H and FFA members who have completed 5th grade.
Youth Crop Scouting CompetitionSpecial Garden Project
The Special Garden Project gives 4-H members the opportunity to try growing a new and unusual vegetable or flower each year. The project allows experienced 4-H gardeners to grow something fun and exciting while letting those who are newer to gardening get their feet wet in the horticulture project area with a guided project experience.
Special Garden Project
County Fairs & Contests
County Fairs offer a local opportunity for 4-H members to exhibit their plant science projects. Many county 4-H programs also host local plant science contests. In order to participate in these, youth must be officially enrolled members. Each county implements their own requirements, timeframes, and guidelines for County Fair exhibition.
County FairInnovative Youth Corn Challenge
The Innovative Youth Corn Challenge gives teams of 4-H or FFA members an opportunity to experiment with innovative crop production methods with the goal of improving yields. Youth disseminate data to corn producers, researchers, and agri-businesses to examine and decide whether the practices used will help their operation achieve higher yields. Youth are introduced to variety of agronomic professionals and work with adult mentors throughout the experience.
Innovative Youth Corn ChallengeNebraska State Fair
At the Nebraska State Fair, 4-H members have the opportunity to showcase what they have learned and worked on throughout the year. Members may also participate in the State 4-H Horticulture Identification Contest and State 4-H Weed & Grass Identification Contest.
Nebraska State Fair