4-H at the

Nebraska State Fair

August 22 - September 1, 2025 | Grand Island, NE

Award ribbons

The Nebraska State Fair is the premier opportunity for 4-H members to showcase what they have learned and worked on throughout the year. At the State Fair, we celebrate the successes of thousands of youth who have learned and grown through 4-H. The State Fair is a prime opportunity for 4-H members to cultivate skills they have learned in 4-H projects, put their life skills and good character to work, discover new areas of interest, and meet new people. The Nebraska State Fair is held yearly at the Nebraska State Fairgrounds in Grand Island, Nebraska. This year's event will be held from August 22 - September 1, 2025.

Nebraska 4-H is only one part of the Nebraska State Fair. For more information about other activities, events, and contests happening, please visit the Nebraska State Fair website.

News & Announcements


Professional photos from the 4-H beef, meat goat, poultry, rabbit, sheep, and swine shows, as well as the 4-H Final Drive are available for purchase from Legacy Livestock Imaging. Professional photos from the 4-H Fashion Show and Nebraska 4-H's candid photos are available as free downloads.


Courtesy of the Nebraska State Fair, livestreams of the 4-H beef, meat goat, sheep, and swine shows, as well as the 4-H Final Drive will be available at the links below:

Courtesy of the contest superintendents, livestreams of the 4-H Fashion Shows will be available at the links below:

4-H Day at the Nebraska State Fair 

More information coming soon! 

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