- General Rules - Nebraska State Fair Livestock General Rules and Regulations apply to this department. It is strongly encouraged that all exhibitors read and understand the Nebraska State Fair Livestock General Rules and Regulations and Livestock Health Requirements. These documents can be found at the Nebraska State Fair website.
- Health Requirements - See Health Requirements for Animals Exhibited at the Nebraska State Fair for additional information.
- Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) - Nebraska 4-H requires all youth enrolled in livestock projects to complete annual quality assurance training through Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA). Refer to the Nebraska State Fair General Rules and Regulations for additional information.
- Entry Deadline – All applications for an entry must be made online at All 4-H entries must be made through the State Fair website by 8:00 PM CT on August 10.
- Number of Entries per Exhibitor and Substitution - A 4-H member is limited to exhibiting up to 6 rabbits at the State Fair. Rabbit exhibitors have the option to nominate up to 10 rabbits in ShoWorks for potential substitutions. The family will incur a nomination fee per rabbit and there will be no refunds for rabbit entries. Families are not required to nominate more than 6 rabbits but will not be able to make substitutions at check-in. Only rabbits that have been nominated by August 10 will be allowed to be substituted and shown. Rabbits that are not nominated or pre-entered will not be allowed to show. Only 6 rabbits can be housed and checked in during the fair. For State Fair, an animal can only be shown in either 4-H or FFA, not both.
- Check-In and Show Schedule - See Nebraska State Fair Livestock Schedule for arrival, check-in and show times and dates. All rabbits must be checked in during the assigned check in time in order to exhibit at the State Fair.
- Dress Code - When showing animals, exhibitors must wear the official State Fair 4-H shirt. No exhibitor number harnesses may be worn. Blue jeans are appropriate. Hats shall not be worn in the show ring.
- Showmanship - All 4-H exhibitors are automatically registered but not required to show in Showmanship. Exhibitors must show their own animal, and the animal must be entered and exhibited in a breeding or market class. See additional guidelines and information in the Showmanship section below. Review the Nebraska State Fair Schedule for times and dates.
- Awards - Exhibitors will receive awards for the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Rabbits in Commercial, Fancy, Market, Best of Show, Reserve Best of Show, and 3rd Best of Show. Only entries receiving a purple ribbon are eligible to receive champion and reserve awards.
- Judging Schedule - Critique judging of rabbit exhibits will be at the same time as showmanship judging with two judges. Each 4-H exhibitor should be present at the exhibit area at that time. If the participant or a substitute showman approved by superintendent is not present, animals will not be judged. Showmanship judging and critique judging will begin as per the Nebraska State Fair Livestock schedule.
- Care and Handling Practices - Rabbits must be cared for by the 4-H member. The Superintendents are not responsible for daily care (feed is provided). Cardboard or other barrier may be used to help separate fighting rabbits between cages. Barriers will not be supplied by the Nebraska State Fair and must be provided by the 4-H member. Each exhibitor is to bring their own bowls for water and feed.
- Release of Exhibits - All animals will be released according to the Nebraska State Fair release schedule. All rabbits must be housed at the State Fair from check in to the release time. Rabbits removed early will forfeit awards.
- All rabbits except fryers must have permanent ID numbers or names tattooed in their ear with a pin tattoo pliers and tattoo ink. Permanent marker numbers written in the ears of the rabbits are NOT permanent ID numbers. ID numbers or names along with class information must be supplied to a superintendent at time of entry. All animals will be physically checked for tattoos during entry. Tattoos and class information must match the information found on the August 10 State Fair pre-entry registration list. Rabbits whose tattoos are not readable or do not match the registration information will not be allowed to show at State Fair. Tattoos that have faded or are no longer legible should be re-done prior to State Fair.
State Fair Eligibility
- Youth must be enrolled in 4-H by June 15 of the current year.
- A 4-H member must be 8 before January 1, of the current year, or becomes 9 years of age during the current year. The last year of eligibility is the calendar year the member becomes 19.
State Fair Entry Limit
A 4-H member is allowed to exhibit up to 6 rabbits at the State Fair. A showmanship rabbit is included in the 6-rabbit entry quota.
Division: Breeding - Fancy Breed Rabbit
- G080005 - American Fuzzy Lop
- G080006 - American Sable
- G080007 - Belgian Hare
- G080069 - Blue Holicer
- G080008 - Britannia Petite
- G080070 - Czech Frosty
- G080009 - Dutch
- G080010 - Dwarf Hotot
- G080035 - Dwarf Papillion
- G080011 - English Angora
- G080012 - English Spot
- G080013 - Florida White
- G080014 - French Angora
- G080015 - Harlequin
- G080016 - Havana
- G080017 - Himalayan
- G080018 - Jersey Wooly
- G080019 - Lilac
- G080020 - Holland Lop
- G080021 - Mini Lop
- G080022 - Mini Rex
- G080023 - Mini Satin
- G080024 - Netherland Dwarf
- G080025 - Polish
- G080026 - Rex
- G080027 - Rhinelander
- G080028 - Satin Angora
- G080029 - Silver
- G080030 - Silver Marten
- G080031 - Standard Chinchilla
- G080032 - Tan
- G080033 - Thrianta
- G080034 - Lionhead
- Fancy breed rabbits will be divided into the following age divisions:
- Junior – Six months old and younger.
- Senior – Over six months old.
- Note: A Fancy Breed Rabbit that is exactly six months old on show day will be shown as a Junior Division rabbit. A Fancy Breed rabbit that is six months plus one day old on show day will be shown as a Senior Division Rabbit.
- Age will be the age of the rabbit on show date.
- Division breakdown will be by the age of the rabbit and not by the weight of the rabbit.
Division: Breeding - Commercial Breed Rabbit
- G080050 - American
- G080051 - American Chinchilla
- G080068 - Argente Brun
- G080052 - Beveren
- G080053 - Blanc de Hotot
- G080054 - Californian
- G080055 - Champagne D’Argent
- G080056 - Checkered Giant
- G080057 - Cinnamon
- G080058 - Creme D’Argent
- G080059 - English Lop
- G080060 - Flemish Giant
- G080061 - French Lop
- G080062 - Giant Angora
- G080063 - Giant Chinchilla
- G080064 - New Zealand
- G080065 - Palomino
- G080066 - Satin
- G080067 - Silver Fox
- Commercial breed rabbits will be divided into the following three age divisions:
- Junior - Six months old and younger.
- Intermediate - Six months old to eight months old.
- Senior - Over eight months old.
- Note: A Commercial Breed Rabbit that is exactly six months old on show day will be shown as a Junior Division rabbit. A Commercial Breed Rabbit that is six months plus one day old on show day to eight months old will be shown as an Intermediate Division Rabbit. A Commercial Breed Rabbit that is exactly eight months old on show day will be shown as an Intermediate Division Rabbit. A Commercial Breed Rabbit that is eight months plus one day old on show day will be shown as a Senior Division Rabbit.
- Rabbit age will be the age of the rabbit on show date.
- Division breakdown will be by the age of the rabbit and not by the weight of the rabbit.
Division: Market Rabbit
- G080001 - Single Fryer - Not over 10 weeks of age. Minimum weight of 3 ½ pounds. Maximum weight of 5 ½ pounds.
- G080002 - Meat Pen - Age limit 10 weeks. Minimum weight 3 ½ pounds each. Maximum weight 5 ½ pounds each. Meat pens shall consist of three rabbits, all of the same breed and variety. Broken group meat pens must also be of the same variety. A meat pen does not necessarily have to come from the same litter.
- G080003 - Roaster - All rabbits entered in this class must be under 6 months of age. Minimum weight 5 ½ pounds. Maximum weight 9 pounds.
- G080004 - Stewers - All rabbits entered in this class must be 6 months of age and over. Minimum weight is over 8 pounds.
Division: Rabbit Showmanship
- G080067 - Junior Showmanship (ages 8 to 10 before January 1 of the current year)
- G080068 - Intermediate Showmanship (ages 11 to 13 before January 1 of the current year)
- G080069 - Senior Showmanship (ages 14 to 18 before January 1 of the current year)
- Showmanship Entry - All 4-H exhibitors are automatically registered but not required to show in Showmanship. Exhibitors must show their own animal, and the animal must be entered and exhibited in a breeding or market class. Review the Nebraska State Fair Schedule for time and dates.
- Eligibility - After an exhibitor receives champion in showmanship, they are no longer eligible to compete in that age division of that species. If a junior exhibitor wins in that species, they will automatically move up to the intermediate division the following year. If an intermediate exhibitor wins in that species, they will automatically move up to the senior division the following year. Once a senior division exhibitor wins champion, they are no longer eligible to compete in showmanship in that species.
- Resources - Information on rabbit showmanship is found in 4-H 339, Rabbits, Rabbits, Rabbits, NATL4H 08080 Rabbit 1: What's Hoppening?, NATL4H 08081 Rabbit 2: Making Tracks, NATL4H Rabbit 3: All Ears, and other resources may be available at the county extension office.
- Basis of Judging - Showmanship is based on grooming and training of the rabbit and the appearance and behavior of the exhibitor. The exhibitor must vocally explain the steps in their routine and the merit of the rabbit. Primarily showmanship is the skill of the exhibitor in presenting and explaining the rabbit before the judge. The excellence of the rabbit is not considered in scoring.
- Time Limit - Maximum length of showmanship presentations are four minutes. Exhibitors will be timed.
- Items to Bring - Showmanship exhibitors are asked to bring their own carpet square or mat for showmanship.
- Scoresheet - Rabbit Showmanship: SF291
Scoresheets, Forms, and Contest Study Materials
Scoresheets, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at
For questions, contact:
- Molly Brandt, 402-472-2805,
- Brandy Schulze, 402-472-2805,