Boxing consists of a working cow horse reining pattern and single cow work (boxing) on the end of the arena. The goal of this class is to introduce the rider to the "boxing" phase of the cow work. Judging begins when the contestant enters the arena. There shall be no schooling between the completion of the rein work and the cow work, or between cows if a new cow is awarded. The penalty for this is -0-. Each contestant upon receiving a cow in the arena, shall hold that cow on the prescribed end of the arena for 50 seconds, demonstrating the ability of the horse and rider to control the cow. It is legal to hold the reins and romal in one hand (rein hand) while boxing the cow. Time shall begin when the gate closes behind the cow after being let into the arena. The announcer or judge will signal the completion of the 50 seconds with a whistle, horn, or calling 'time'. Patterns should be chosen from the most updated version post on AQHA or NRCHA of the current year.
Tack and Attire
- Exhibitors may use Western tack and attire. Refer to requirements on pages 17-26.
Scoring Procedure
- Scoring will be on the basis of 60-80, with 70 denoting an average performance. The same basis of scoring shall apply to both the reined worked and the boxing work. In the event of a tie, the entry with the highest cow work will be declared the winner. The judge may blow the whistle at any time to terminate the work. A score of zero will be given if the work is not complete at the time.
- Credits maintaining control of the cow at all times, maintaining proper position, degree of difficulty, eye appeal, and time worked.
Penalties. Maneuver evaluations and penalty aplications are to be determined independently. The following penalties will be applied to each occurence and be deducted from the final score:
1 Point
- Loss of working advantage
- Working out of position
- Excessive hollering
3 Point
- Loss of control and cow leaves end of arena
5 Point
- Spurring or hitting in front of cinch at any time, or excessively whipping or spurring the horse
- Blatant disobedience defined as kicking, biting, bucking, rearing, striking, or obviously insubordinate
Penalty 0 (Disqualification)
- Turn tail
- Using two hands on the reins in a bridle
- Fingers between the reins in a bridle class
- Balking
- Out of control
- Bloody mouth
- Illegal equipment
- Leaving working area before pattern is complete
- Fall of horse or rider
- Schooling between rein work and cow work
- Schooling between cows, if new cow is awarded