A legal catch must be completed within 30 seconds for any points to count. Time will be tabulated from the barrier flag to the field flagger's flag when the catch rope breaks away from the saddle horn.

Scoring: A Nebraska 4-H Break-A-Way Roper receives points for time taken to complete a legal catch, plus points for the score received from the judge for the working ability of their horse.

Time: 50 points

Performance of the horse: 50 points

Judged on manners in roping box, scoring out of roping box, speed to calf, rating and position of horse for throw, square and deep stop, and manners during stop. (Turn off stops will be scored less than square stops.)

See chart on page 140 for combining the two values.

  1. All other rules pertaining to Tie Down roping shall apply here except where Nebraska 4-H Break-A-Way Roping rules specify.
  2. Calves must be used.
  3. Two loops permitted.
  4. A white or blue cloth or flag must be attached to the end of each rope where it is tied to the saddle horn so the flagger can easily see the rope break free. Cloth to be provided by the show office.
  5. A contestant may not break the rope away from the saddle horn by hand or touch the rope or string after a catch is made. Should a rope dally or not break free, the contestant will receive no time or score.
  6. Neither catch rope may pass through bridle, tie-down, neck rope or any other device.
  7. A legal catch is any loop that goes completely over the calf's head and draws up on any part of the calf's body, causing the rope to break away from the saddle horn.
  8. The flagger should be mounted and should flag the contestants on the side where the throw rope and flag are attached. Thus, with mostly right-handed ropers, the flagger would initially be positioned at the far right arena quadrant facing the chute for easiest viewing. For left-handed ropers, the flagger would start from the far left arena quadrant. Thoughtful flaggers should attempt to flag each run at right angles to the timer's line of sight.
  9. The roper should ride into the box and call for their animal in a reasonable amount of time. If the judge feels an excessive amount of time is used, the exhibitor can be disqualified.
  10. Contestant may receive no assistance of any kind from outside.

Method for Combining Performance Score and Roping Time for Contestant Ranking and Awards in Nebraska 4-H Break-A-Way Roping Time