Goat tying is a timed only event that tests the ability of an exhibitor to ride to the goat, dismount, and tie three legs in the fastest possible time. There must be at least one wrap around all three legs and finished with a half hitch or hooey. A hooey is a half hitch with a loop, the tail of the string may be partly, or all the way pulled through.


  1. There will be a 60-second time limit in this event.
  2. Exhibitor must start from behind the starting line to the goat.
  3. A start line flagger will start the time when the contestant crosses the start line and will stop the time when the field judge drops the flag as the contestant signals tie complete.
  4. Exhibitor must ride their horse across the start line, to where the goat is tethers, dismount, catch the goat, throw, and tie any three legs together and signal that their tie is complete by raising their hands in the air. The exhibitor then must step back away from the goat.
    1. Using the appropriate goat tying or piggin' string for the competition. Classes should be divided based on show management. If less than 5 entries, classes will be combined.
  5. The goat must remain with (three) 3 legs crossed and tied for (six) 6 seconds from the time the contestant signals with their hands.
    1. The six seconds will start when the exhibitor's hands are up
    2. Unless otherwise designated, the flagger/judge will determine the 6-second time.
  6. The field judge will have a stopwatch and time the goat for (six) 6 seconds.
  7. The goat will be held by the goat handler facing the starting point until the start flagger flags the start of the time. They will then release the goat and step back out of the way.

Class Requirements

  1. Each goat will be thrown three times before being used by exhibitors
  2. If the goat is down on its knees when the contestant reaches it, the goat must be let up or lifted high enough to be given the opportunity to regain its feet. Then the contestant may throw and tie the goat.
  3. Goat must be untangled and taken to the end of the rope behind the stake after each run
  4. Goat will be changed after a maximum of 5 exhibitors
  5. Exhibitor may not touch the goat in any manner after signaling for "time"


  1. There is no set distance from the starting line to the goat
    1. Minimum of 50 yards is recommended
  2. Goat must be tied to a stake with a rope that is 10 feet long
  3. Stake is to be pounded completely into the ground so that no part of it is visible


  1. Refer to Western tack and attire requirements on pages 17-26.
  2. Leather thong, piggin' string or rope to tie the goat. (piggin' string- a piece of rope used for securing animals)
    1. No metal or wire allowed on or in string.
  3. A 10-foot-long soft rope for tethering goats with a metal snap affixed to each end.
  4. Stake with tether ring. Acceptable is a stake with an eye rolled into it and with a length of rope with a loop tied in one end and attached to the stake at the eye. All adjusted so that no part of the stake protrudes above the ground and just enough of the loop of the length of rope sticks above the ground so the tether rope may be snapped on to it.


  1. Goat breaking away due to the fault of the horse.
    1. A no-time will be assessed should the horse come in contact with the rope or the goat at any time.
  2. Goat not staying tied for six seconds after completion of tie.
  3. Exhibitor touching goat or tie with hands after signaling completion of tie prior to 6 seconds.
  4. Tie not holding or legs not remaining crossed for 6 seconds.
  5. The field judge's decision is final.


  1. If the goat should break away at any point after the start of the run, the field judge/flagger will decide if the exhibitor will get a re-run.
  2. All re-runs will be run at the end of the go-round.
  3. No re-run will be given due to faulty or broken equipment furnished by exhibitor.
  4. If the judge sees they have made an error in flagging, they must declare a re-run before the exhibitor leaves the arena.

Recommended Ribbon Placing Guide

(placings may be adjusted by the judge)


  • Purple: Qualified run only
  • Blue: Goat stayed tied for 4 – 5.99 seconds
  • Red: Goat Stayed tied for 3.99 seconds or less