Tack and Attire
- Refer to Western tack and attire requirements on pages 17-26.
- The 4-H armband is required.
- Mechanical hackamores and gag bits are permitted. If used, they must have enough play to permit 3 fingers to pass between chin and chin strap. Closed reins may be used with any type of bit or hackamore. Tie downs and martingales are permitted.
Prohibited: Jerk lines, tack collars, tie downs with bare metal in contact with the horse's head.
It is the contestant's responsibility to ensure the gate is closed before starting the run. Penalty will be up to judge's discretion.
A 10-foot tape must be on hand for barrier judge as barrier will not be considered broken unless ring drops within 10 feet of the post. An electronic barrier may be used if available. Height of barrier shall be 32 to 36 inches measured at center of box. Barrier judge should change barrier string when it weakens or upon request of contestant. Length of barrier trip rope, score line, or length of roping box cannot be changed during a show for any one event. Barrier judge shall rule on all faulty barrier problems. If contestant obviously beats barrier and barrier doesn't break properly, the judge may assess a 10-second fine. If barrier judge rules a contestant is fouled by barrier, the roper gets their stock back, providing they declare themself by pulling up immediately.
Field Flagger
If roping stock escapes from arena, flag will be dropped and watches stopped. Roper then gets stock back, lap, tap and time spent is added to new time recorded. If rope is on escaped stock, roper gets stock, lap and tap with rope on it in chute. If animal escapes chutes or pens before called for by contestant, no animal may be re-penned by itself. Pushing or hazing stock past score line is not permitted unless authorized by judge. In all roping events, the contestant shall not attempt to rope the animal until the barrier flag has been dropped. Any attempt by a contestant to position their horse behind the barrier, enabling the contestant to rope the animal without leaving the barrier (box), shall be considered a disqualification. In Calf Roping the field flagger shall be positioned at the far end of the arena, allowing the flagger to come toward the roper to flag the tie. In Team Roping, field flagger shall place themself against wall on left-hand side of the roping box, before moving to the field to flag the team.