The purpose of the Ranch Pleasure class is to measure the ability of the horse to be a pleasure to ride while being used as a means of conveyance from one ranch task to another and should reflect the versatility, attitude, and movement of a working horse. The horse should be well-broke, relaxed, quiet, soft and cadenced at all gaits. The horse should be ridden on a relatively loose rein without required undue restraint, but not shown on a full drape of reins. Overall manners and responsiveness of the ranch pleasure horse to make timely transitions in a smooth and correct manner, as well as the quality of the movement are of primary considerations. The horse should be soft in the bridle and yield to contact maintaining a natural head carriage at each gait. The ideal ranch rail horse should have a natural ranch horse appearance from head to tail.
In all gaits, movement of the ranch pleasure horse should simulate a horse needing to cover long distances, softly, and quietly, like that of a working ranch horse. This class should show the horse's ability to work at a forward, working speed while under control by the rider.
While a horse is in motion, hands shall be clear of the horse and saddle except that it is permissible to hold the saddle horn with either hand.
Junior horses (5 years old and younger) may be shown in a snaffle bit, bosal, curb bit, half breed, or spade. Senior horses (6 years old and older) may only be shown in a curb bit, half-breed, or spade bit with one hand on the reins.
Standing in the stirrups or posting at the extended trot is acceptable. Romal reins are allowed.
Tack and Attire
- Refer to Western performance or timed event tack and attire requirements pages 17-26.
- The 4-H armband is required.
- Hoof polish is discouraged.
- Braided or banded manes or tail extensions are discouraged.
- Trimming inside ears is discouraged.
- Trimming bridle path is allowed, also trimming of fetlocks or excessive (long) facial hair.
- Equipment with silver should not count over a good working outfit. Silver on bridles and saddles is discouraged.
- It is suggested competitors use a breast collar and rear cinch
Prohibited: Unorthodox or severe mouthpieces, matringales, draw reins, cavesson nosebands, crops, whips, bats, or over and under ropes on the saddle horn. No ropes can be carried or used during class. Mechanical hackamore, tie downs, protective leg wraps.
Scoring Procedure
Performance of the horse and rider | 80% |
Conformation — horse to be serviceable sound | 10% |
Appointments of rider and horse | 10% |
Total | 100% |
Faults of the Horse and Rider:
- Wrong leads at a lope
- Excessive speed (any gait)
- Charging, kicking other horses in ring or causing such motions
- Excessive throwing of head
- Using two hands or changing hands on reins
- Supporting rider by touching horse or saddle with free hand
- Breaking gait (including not walking when called for)
- Exhibiting a four-beat gait at the lope
- Walking behind at the trot
- Over-flexion of the head behind the vertical
- More than one finger between the reins
- Failure to take the called for gait (during transitions, excessive delay will be penalized)
- Horse appears sullen, dull, lethargic, emaciated, drawn, or overly tired
- Excessive slowness in any gait, loss of forward momentum (resulting in an animated and/or artificial gait at the lope
- Opening mouth excessively
- Stumbling
- Quick, choppy, or pony-strided
- If reins are draped to the point that light contact is not maintained
- Overly canted at the lope. (when the outside hind foot is further to the inside of the arena than the inside front foot)
Disqualification of the Horse and Rider:
The judge has the authority to excuse and/or disqualify any horse deemed unsafe or out of control. Fall of horse and/or rider falling off horse results in disqualification. An exhibitor will be excused from the class (disqualified) if there is a tack or equipment breakage that the judge feels is a safety hazard.
Nebraska 4-H Ranch Pleasure Judging Standards: The following are suggested guidelines for contestants to receive either a blue or purple award in Ranch Pleasure. To receive a blue award the horse should walk, jog, lope on the correct lead, and back under correct, bright, and willing control. A purple award performance must include a blue quality performance plus may be expected to perform parts or all of the following maneuvers:
- Moderate extension of the jog
- Lengthening of stride at the walk or lope
- Reverse at the jog
- Stop from jog or lope, and lope from stop