University of Nebraska 4-H Tie Down & Team Roping Chart

Ropers Horse Performance* 
Under 105090-10050
seconds 8949
10.00 - 10.49488848
10.50 - 10.99478747
11.00 - 11.49468646
11.50 - 11.99458545
12.00 - 12.49448444
12.50 - 12.99438343
13.00 - 13.49428242
13.50 - 13.99418141
14.00 - 14.49408040
14.50 - 14.99397939
15.00 - 15.49387838
15.50 - 15.99377737
16.00 - 16.49367636
16.50 - 16.99357535
17.00 - 17.49347434
17.50 - 17.99337333
18.00 - 18.49327232
18.50 - 18.99317131
19.00 - 19.49307030
19.50 - 19.99296929
20.00 - 20.49286828
20.50 - 20.99276727
21.00 - 21.49266626
21.50 - 21.99256525
22.00 - 22.99246424
23.00 - 23.99236323
24.00 - 24.99226222
25.00 - 25.99216121
26.00 - 26.99206020
27.00 - 27.99195919
28.00 - 28.99185818
29.00 - 29.99175717
30.00 - 30.99165616
31.00 - 31.99155515
32.00 - 33.99145414
34.00 - 35.99135313
36.00 - 37.99125212
38.00 - 39.99115111
40.00 - 41.99105010
42.00 - 43.999499
44.00 - 45.998488
46.00 - 47.997477
48.00 - 49.996466
50.00 - 51.995455
52.00 - 53.994444
54.00 - 55.993433
56.00 - 57.992422
58.00 - 59.991411
60.00 secondsNo Score
No Time
40 or lower0

*Judges are reminded to score up toward the 100 maximum score for the better runs in order to equalize weight in each division for more equitable final results. A roper might rope in 10.2 seconds for 48 points and the horse might score 76 for 36 points, so the entry would earn a total of 84 points for final ranking purposes.