The 4-H Horse Judging Contest will be held at the State 4-H Horse Exposition. A team will consist of three or four individuals. The total scores of the three highest scoring individuals will make the team score. Individuals may enter in lieu of a team. All contestants must meet the eligibility requirements for the show.

The two high teams eligible for national competition (all members of which must be 14 years old by January 1 of the current year) qualify to represent Nebraska at a national or regional contest, with the high team having first choice of contest. Ten to 13-year-olds may compete at the state contest; however, the team is ineligible for selection as a Nebraska representative to the corresponding national event.

Contestants and Eligibility

  1. 1. Contestants must be enrolled in the 4-H horse project in the county they represent.
  2. 2. At the Fonner Park State 4-H Expo, an individual may compete in either Horse Judging or Hippology, NOT both.
  3. 3. Each team consists of 3 to 4 members. Please refer to General Contest Rules to determine how many teams each county is eligible to send.
  4. 4. See General Contest Rules to determine the age qualifications.
  5. 5. Nebraska 4-H Horse Show dress code required. Exception-no hats or headgear permitted.
  6. 6. Contestants must not have participated in any post-secondary (university, college, junior college, or technical school) competitive horse judging contest. Neither can a contestant be a member of a post-secondary team undergoing training in preparation for such an event.
  7. 7. State contest winning teams will be eligible to represent Nebraska at further regional or national contests. Options will be: 1) The National 4-H Horse Classic Contest, January, in Denver, Colorado; 2) The All-American Quarter Horse Congress, October, in Columbus, Ohio; 3) World Championship AQHA Youth Show, August in Fort Worth, TX. 
    The winning team will have first choice of the contest they wish to compete in; the reserve team will also be allowed to represent Nebraska at a different contest. Financial support for these teams will be supplied through the State 4-H Office. For more information please see National Contest Eligibility and General Contest Rules.

Method of Conduct

  • A team may have 3 or 4 members. When 4 are entered, the 3 highest overall scores will make up the team totals.
  • Contestants will be assigned to one of four groups, and will remain with that group throughout the entire contest.
  • While the contest is in progress, there shall be no conferring between the contestants, or between contestants and anyone else except as authorized by the contest superintendent or their representatives.
  • Two to four halter classes and 2-4 performance classes will be judged. Contestants will give oral reasons on 2-4 of the halter and/or performance classes. All halter classes will be judged as sound of limb, eye, wind and mouth. Performance horses will be judged as seen (unsoundness to be penalized accordingly).
  • The horses/riders/handlers will be designated by numbers 1-2-3-4 and numbered from left to right as viewed from the rear. Horses will not be handled by the contestants, but time will be provided in halter classes for close inspection and to observe the horses at a walk and trot.
  • Approximately 15 minutes will be allowed contestants to judge the classes, make observations, take notes, and fill out their cards.
  • Contestants will be allowed two minutes to give their oral reasons to the judge. Contestants are not permitted to use notes while giving reasons. Contestants' placing cards will not be offered to them during their oral reasons.
  • All tack and riders' attire will be considered legal.
  • The judges shall place the classes while the contestants are working in the arena. The judges shall enter their placing's on the official placing card, determine the cuts on the classes, and turn the card in so tabulations can begin while the contest is in progress.
  • Contestants will give their oral reasons at the completion of the judging portion of the contest.
  • At the completion of oral reasons, the judges will give the official placings, cuts, and explanations on all eight classes judged.
  • Contestants will furnish their own notepads and pencils. Prepared judging aids are not allowed.

Determination of Ratings

  1. 1. Fifty (50) points shall constitute a perfect score on placing, and fifty (50) points shall constitute a perfect score on reasons.
  2. 2. Priority order for breaking ties:
    1. If tied for a division award in Halter or Performance, the contestant or team having the highest reason score in that division will be listed first.
    2. If tied for an award in reasons, the contestant or team having the highest placing score on the reasons classes will be listed first.
    3. If tied for individual or team overall award, the contestant or team having the highest overall reason score shall be listed first.
    4. If still tied for either (a) or (c) above, the contestant or team having the highest score in placing reason classes shall be listed first.
    5. If still tied, the contestant or team with the highest overall placing score will be listed first.
    6. If still tied, the contestant or team with the highest single class reasons score will be listed first.
    7. If contestants are still tied from above, the youngest contestant or team shall be listed first.
    8. Alternates will be eligible for individual awards.