If you are enrolling in 4-H for the first time, you must contact your local Extension office before beginning the 4-H Online enrollment process.
Spanish Enrollment Instructions
Enrollment is not required for many 4-H events and opportunities, but 4-H Club and Independent Members ages 8 - 18 on January 1 of the current year are required to enroll through 4-H Online. Youth ages 5 - 7 on January 1 of the current year may enroll as Clover Kids.
There is no fee for officially enrolling as a Nebraska 4-H member. However, counties or clubs may require enrollment fees.
While enrollment is open year-round, youth interested in participating in their county fair or the Nebraska State Fair must complete enrollment by June 15. Some counties may implement earlier deadlines for other programs, events, or opportunities.
Starting in 2024, project selection will be optional, with the exception of the horse and shooting sports (see note below). By successfully completing the 4-H member enrollment by June 15, youth will be eligible to participate and exhibit in any project area, any contest, their county fair, and the Nebraska State Fair. While optional, youth are encouraged to select projects they are interested in exploring each program year. Please note:
- Youth are only eligible to exhibit in a project area or contest in a single county.
- Horse or Shooting Sports projects will continue to require project enrollment due to the parental consent required for participation.
Please contact your local Extension office for local fees, deadlines, and projects.
Enroll a New Member
Step 1: Create Account
Visit v2.4honline.com.
Click “Don’t have an account?” Please note:
- If you have previously enrolled in 4-H using 4-H Online in another state, please log in using the information for that existing account.
- Each 4-H household will have a family account in which youth will be added. Individual youth will not have individual accounts, profiles, or logins.
Select "Nebraska" from the drop-down menu.
Click "Nebraska 4-H Youth Development".
Select your county from the drop-down menu.
Input all required information, including:
- Email - The email address will be used as the user/access id. There will be an option later in enrollment to add additional email addresses.
- Family Name - The family name should be your household's last name.
- Mobile Phone Number
- Password - Passwords must contain a number, a capital letter, and a symbol.
Select "Create Login".
Step 2: Verify Address
Enter your household's address information.
Click "Verify". The verification process may require you to select an appropriate USPS format.
Note: If you create a new account and an existing account is found, click "Confirm" and continue to log in using that existing account.
Note: On the next screen, you may review your profile information and make edits by selecting "Family" or "Events".
Step 3: Add a New Member to the Family

Select "4-H" and click "Next".
Input the member's required information, including:
- First Name
- Middle Name (optional)
- Last Name
- Preferred Name (optional)
- Birth Date
- Email (optional)
- Mobile Phone (optional)
- Number of Previous Youth Years in Program - Please enter the number of years the member has been a 4-H member. If you are unsure, please contact your local Extension office.
Click "Next".
Select the About You and Demographics information, including:
- Gender
- Grade
- Residence
- Are you of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity?
- Race
Input the Emergency Contact information, including:
- Full Name
- Relationship to member
- Contact Phone
- Contact Email (optional)
Click "Next".
Select a response for "How would you like to participate?"
- I want to join 4-H as a New or Returning 4-H Youth
- I want to participate in a 4-H activity but I do NOT want to join 4-H at this time.
Click "Finish".
Step 4: Enroll Member - Clubs

Click "Select Units".
Ensure the correct county is selected from the drop-down menu.
Click "Add" for the club in which the youth is an active member. If the youth is in more than one club, add them all, but please mark which is their primary club.
Step 5: Enroll Member - Projects

The next step is to choose the projects youth want to work on during the current program year.
Project selection is optional, with the exception of horse and shooting sports. By completing member enrollment by June 15, youth will be eligible to participate and exhibit in any project area, any contest, their county fair, and the Nebraska State Fair. While optional, youth are encouraged to select projects they are interested in exploring each program year. Please note:
- Youth are only eligible to exhibit in a project or contest in a single county.
- Horse and Shooting Sports projects require project enrollment due to the parental consent required for participation.
For help selecting 4-H projects, visit the Nebraska 4-H Project Listing.
To add a project, click "Select Projects".
Click "Select" for a project that the youth wants to work on during the current program year.
Click "Add".
Continue adding all the projects the member is considering, if desired.
Once all the member's projects have been added, click "Next".
Step 6: Enroll Member - Questions
Click "Show Questions".
Confirm, select, or input information, including:
- About You
- Demographics
- Address
- Emergency Contact
- Emergency Contact 2 (optional)
- Parent / Guardian 1
- Parent / Guardian 2 (optional)
- School
- Military
- Other (optional)
Click "Next".
Step 7: Enroll Member - Health Form
Click "Show Health Form".
Input or select information, including:
- Vaccinations (optional)
- Care (optional)
- Remarks (optional)
- History (optional)
- Health Insurance (optional)
- Conditions (optional)
- Devices (optional)
- Allergies
- Authorized Medication (optional)
- Permission to Treat, Participate and Release of Claims - Thoroughly read and sign off on the provided information.
Click "Next".
Step 8: Enroll Member - Consents
Click "Show Consents".
Thoroughly read and sign off on provided information, including:
- Photo release
- 4-H Youth/Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct
- Survey Release
Click "Next".
Step 9: Enroll Member - Confirm

Review all the information on the confirmation page including:
- Selected Units - clubs
- Selected Projects
- Invoice - Depending on county enrollment fees, there may be a balance that will need to be paid. For more information on county enrollment fees, please contact your local Extension Office.
If all information is correct, click "Submit".
Note: The enrollment status will show pending until the information is confirmed by the local Extension office. A confirmation email will be sent once the registration has been approved.
You may now add and enroll another youth within your household by repeating steps three through nine.
Can't find what you're looking for? Contact your local Extension office!