Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo
The Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo is the pinnacle experience for members of the Nebraska 4-H horse program. The annual event includes the State 4-H Horse Show and the State 4-H Horse Judging Contest.
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Future Dates
For future dates, see the Nebraska 4-H Horse Events calendar.
Like all 4-H programs, the Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo relies heavily on volunteers to run a smooth event. A variety of roles are available throughout the event, such as gatekeepers, ring stewards, record keepers, and equipment movers. To volunteer at this year's event or to learn more about the volunteer opportunities, please visit the volunteer sign-up form.
4-H families are highly encouraged to book hotel rooms and reserve camper/RV hookups as early as possible. Camper/RV hookups will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis, and reservations can be made by contacting Kathy at 308-382-4515.
Motorized Vehicles
Use of motorized vehicles such as golf carts and motorized scooters is not allowed on the Fonner Park showgrounds.
Camper/RV Hook Up
Due to the increased number of requests for Camper Hookups, Fonner Park and Nebraska 4-H have developed the following guidelines:
- Reservation must be made directly with Fonner Park. Call Kathy at 308-382-4515 ext. 213 or email to reserve your space.
- Camper hookups will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis.
- Camper Parking will be on the north side of the grounds along Fonner Park Road in the RV Park.
- Fonner Park requests that NO camper/living quarter trailers be on the ground prior to noon, Friday before the start of the show on Saturday.
- Parking will be available afternoon on Friday. However, trailers/campers cannot be left unattended to prevent theft and vandalism to your property as this has been an issue in the past.
- A $35 fee per day will be charged for all trailers/campers through the event.
– Thank You –

A Partner with 4-H
Since 1976, Fonner Park has been the proud sponsor of the Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Show & Exposition. The Association has contributed over $700,000 to the show by providing the funding for show expenses and donating the use of the facility at no cost. Annual expenses paid by Fonner Park, includes: Show Judges – Security & Emergency Services – Horse Bowl Contest – Show Manager & Office Support – Publicity – Printing of Programs – Contest & Event Expenses – Computer Record Services – Sponsor Top Team to the National Contest
For questions about this program or the information on this page, please contact: