4-H is the largest out-of-school youth organization in the United States with over seven million youth members. 4-H is the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Extension’s dynamic, non-formal, educational program for young people. The program partners the efforts of youth, volunteers, state Land-Grant Universities, state and local governments, 4-H Foundations, and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Nebraska 4-H is comprised of youth and adults. Adults are involved as volunteers, working with youth as club or project leaders or on committees and boards providing the framework for the 4-H Youth Development program.
All partners are working across the country to assist youth in developing knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to become productive and contributing members of society. 4-H influences youth from all ethnic, racial, and socio-economic backgrounds who live in rural, suburban, and urban communities.
4-H policy is essential for all partners to work toward a program that focuses on positive youth development.