The Dog Skill-a-thon contest will provide 4-H participants an opportunity to test their knowledge of dogs. There will be a variety of stations with visual diagrams and hands-on activities that contestants will work through and be judged upon. The skill-a-thon will be held in conjunction with the State 4-H Dog Show. Visit the 2025 State 4-H Dog event webpage at for more information.
- This is an individual contest. No teams.
- While a contest is in progress, contestants shall not communicate with others, except as directed by the Superintendent of the contest. Participants will be informed of regulations at the beginning of each contest.
Pre-Registration & Entry Fees
- You must pre-register online by the required deadline in order to participate. 4-H members involved in all state judging contests are required to pay a non-refundable entry fee. No one may register on day of show as they have not pre-registered or paid the entry fee.
Age Divisions
- Junior (ages 8 to 10 before January 1 of the current year)
- Intermediate (ages 11 to 13 before January 1 of the current year)
- Seniors (ages 14 to 18 before January 1 of the current year)
Dress Code
Exhibitors are required to wear the official State Fair 4-H t-shirt. If there is no official State Fair 4-H T-shirt, exhibitors are required to wear a white shirt (or blouse) with the official 4-H chevron attached or a 4-H T-shirt. Solid blue jeans are required. No hats, caps or other types of headgear are to be worn. Exhibitors shall not display any local, county or club identification.
Results tabulated and submitted by the Superintendent to the State Fair Judging Contest Coordinator are final. Results of the 1st through 5th high point individuals will be posted after the contest. Other results will be available on the 4-H webpage after the State Fair as provided by the contest superintendent.
State Fair Eligibility
- 4-H members are eligible to participate in the Dog Skill-a-thon regardless of project enrollment.
- All participants must be enrolled in 4-H and be 8 years of age before January 1 of current year.
Contest Components
The contest will consist of a series of stations that are designed to test your knowledge of dogs. Some stations may be visual diagrams or hands on activities to demonstrate a dog related technique. Stations will cover:
Breed identification pictures from the Focus Group (majority of focus):
- 2025- Hound
- 2026- Working
- 2027- Toy
- 2028- Herding
- 2029- Terrier
- 2030- Non-Sporting & Stock Found/Misc. (E-P)
- 2031- Sporting and Stock Found/Misc (R-W)
Breed identification pictures from all other groups (a few):
- Dog Care
- Conformation
- Dog Body Language
- Behavior
- Grooming
- Parasites
- Nutrition
- Life Stage
- Obedience
- G500004 - Junior Dog Skillathon
- G500005 - Intermediate Dog Skillathon
- G500006 - Senior Dog Skillathon
State Fair Special Award/Honor
4-H members participating in judging, skill and identification contests will be recognized as follows:
- Senior Division: Champion High Point-Gold medal; Reserve High Point-Silver medal; 3rd High Point-Bronze medal. Placing ribbons-1st through 5th High Points, will be awarded.
- Intermediate Division: Champion High Point-Gold medal; Reserve High Point-Silver medal; 3rd High Point-Bronze medal. Placing ribbons-1st through 5th High Points, will be awarded.
- Junior Division: Champion High Point-Gold medal; Reserve High Point-Silver medal; 3rd High Point-Bronze medal. Placing ribbons-1st through 5th High Points, will be awarded. Division Name
Scoresheets, Forms, and Contest Study Materials
Scoresheets, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at
For questions, contact:
- Lisa Karr, 402-472-6458,
- Brandy Schulze, 402-472-2805,