By submitting an entry to this showcase, the 4-H member grants permission to Nebraska 4-H the use and rights associated with the use of the photograph and quotes, in promotional publications, online, and other media, without compensation. The 4-H member who created the project will be credited whenever and wherever the photo is shared, published, or reproduced in print or digital media.

Upload Photo File Required
Files must be less than 50 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
You might share where the photo was taken, when you were doing when you captured this photo, how it was captured, what the subject is, what the subject is doing, etc. Note: This may be shared along with your photo if selected.
Note: This may be shared along with your photo if selected.
Note: This may be shared along with your photo if selected.
Are there people in your photo? Required

For questions about this program or the information on this page, please contact: