The purpose of these Citizenship exhibits is to foster civic responsibility and action within the diverse areas of citizenship including community service, service learning, government and policy making.  

State Fair Eligibility

All static exhibits must have received a purple ribbon at the county fair to advance to the State Fair.  

State Fair Quota

The quotas, or number of exhibits allowed per department, for the Nebraska State Fair is determined by each county’s annual 4-H enrollment. County staff will be provided with department quotas following the June 15 enrollment deadline.   

 For more information refer to General Rules

Department Rules

1. Exhibits are entered at 4-H members own risk. We will not be responsible for loss or damage to family heirloom items or any items in this division.

2. Displays should not be larger than 22 inches x 28 inches wide. If the size needs to be a different size because the item is larger than 22 inches x 28 inches please contact the superintendents for approval. Display collections securely in an attractive container no larger than 22 inches x 28 inches.  

3. Supporting Material: All entries must include the following:  

  • What did you learn about citizenship while creating this exhibit?  References - All exhibitors should reference material sources or supporting information if outside sources were used to create exhibits (i.e, if questions from a game were taken from an outside source, they must be referenced).  
  • Identification - All entries should be labeled with the exhibitor’s name, club, and county.  

Scoresheets, Forms and Contest Study Materials

Project Materials - The official reference for the citizenship projects is Citizenship Public Adventures Kit (MI 7329) and Citizen Guide’s Handbook (BU 7330). Other helpful citizenship references include Citizenship Washington Focus guides, Character Counts! and Service Learning Information.  

 Scoresheets, forms, contest study materials and additional resources can be found at  

An explanation of projects and curriculum resources can be found at 

State Fair Special Award/Honor



A120001 Care Package Display (SF182) - This exhibit is a display about the PROCESS of creating and giving a care package, not the actual care package. You may use a poster, Power Point or another multi-media program to tell about the PROCESS of developing and giving a care package to a service organization. PowerPoint should be saved to a USB/thumb drive. You need to answer the following questions in your exhibit. How did you select the organization? What items did you include in your care package? Why did you select those items? How did it feel to present your care pack to the organization? What did you learn from this experience? Other information that you feel is important about the care package or organization. Some examples of care packages are: Backpack for school supplies, litter pan for animal shelter items, suitcase for abuse shelter or homeless shelter, etc.  

A120002 Citizenship Game (SF182) - which could include but is not limited to symbol flash cards, question and answer board or simulation with props. Clear instructions on how to play the game and what the game hopes to accomplish must be included.  

A120003 Patriotic or Cultural Fine Arts (SF182) - can be made of any art media but should tie in the relevance of the artwork to citizenship.  

A120004 Public Adventure Scrapbook (SF182) - should describe a 4-H member’s Public Adventure or Service Learning Activity. Scrapbooks must measure no more than 16 inches x 16 inches.  

A120005 Public Adventure Poster (SF182) - should describe a 4-H member’s Public Adventure or Service Learning Activity. Display posters must be stiff enough to stand when supported from behind and below. Length and width must be no more than 24 inches x 28 inches.  

A120006 Written or Recorded Stakeholder Interview (SF182) - should follow the outline found in the Public Adventures Curriculum. It may be written or recorded. Recordings should be saved as a .wav or .mp3 file; a USB/thumb drive will be accepted.  

A120007 Written Citizenship Essay (SF182) - is designed to promote good citizenship and patriotism. This essay is open to all age groups. All essays should be 300 - 400 typewritten words.  

 A120008 For 9th-12th Graders Only: Oral Citizenship Essay (SF182) - addressing the theme “Freedom’s Obligations” should be three – five minutes. No background music, singing or other enhancement allowed. All essays should be saved as a .wav or .mp3 file; a USB/thumb drive will be accepted. Voice tone should be normal and conversational. A copy of the written essay should be attached.  

A120009 Service Items (SF182) - can include but aren’t limited to lap quilt, Quilt of Valor and homemade toys. Only non-perishable items will be accepted. Attached to the exhibit should be an explanation of who the recipient was and how the service project was made and used. The service item could be part of a larger community service effort.  

A120010 4-H Club Exhibit (SF182) - should depict what a 4-H club has done in the area of community service. This item could include, but is not limited to, a service item, poster, scrapbook, cultural or creative arts item or care package, Quilt of Valor.  

Seeing i2i

A130001 Cultural Fine Arts (SF183) - can be made of any art media but should symbolize what makes them unique.  

A130002 How Are We Different? Interview (SF183) - should follow the interview guide in the participant manual on page 3 and should reflect on the differences and similarities between you and the person you are interviewing.  

A130003 Name Art (SF183) - should be a creative art exhibit that symbolizes or explains where your name came from and what it means. Can use any media.  

A130004 Family History (SF183) - depicting a 4-H member’s family cultural history or the ethnic make-up of your community noting who were the first settlers, where did they come from, is there evidence of the background today (local celebrations, family celebrations, museum or educational displays, historical markers, etc.)  

A130005 Exhibit depicting a Cultural Food (SF183) - that is special to a 4-H member’s family. Can be a story or essay.  

A130006 “This is Who I Am” Poem (SF183) - written by the 4-H member that reflects who they are.  

A130007 Poster (SF183) - that depicts what you have learned through the i2i Project.  

A130008 Biography (SF183) - about an historical figure who has made a positive impact on our society or who has made a difference in the lives of others.  

A130009 Play Script (SF183) - written about a different culture.