The purpose of this category is to establish basic to advanced crochet and knitting skills. In addition, projects in this category require 4-H members to select adequate yarn and make design decisions. For more resources and materials in this category refer to the resource section at the bottom of the page. 

Department Rules

  1. Entry Tags: Every exhibit must be described on the appropriate entry tag accompanying it (for example: blue afghan, yellow sweater, crocheted gray elephant). Attach the entry tag securely to the exhibit using straight pin or safety pins (no paper clips). 
  2. Identification Labels: Each item entered as a knitting or crochet exhibit must have a label attached stating: County,4-H member’s name and age, project name and class in which exhibit is entered, and the number of years the 4-H member has exhibited in respective level. Wool entries must have fiber content listed on the identification label. Attach a label on every component of the exhibit using safety pins or by basting. Not responsible for unlabeled items. 
  3. Preparation of Exhibits: Knitted and Crocheted exhibits should be entered in the most appropriate manner for the exhibit. 
  4. Removal of Entries: Entries may not be removed for use in any other State Fair activity including State Fair Fashion Show. 
  5. General: Garments as listed may be made for self (4-H member) or another person. All knitted and crocheted items will be displayed together or by county. 4-H members should continue their skill development. Once you have exhibited in a higher level, you are not eligible to exhibit in a lower level. Ex. Once you exhibit in Knitting Level 3, you are not eligible to exhibit in Knitting Level 2. 

State Fair Eligibility

All static exhibits must have received a purple ribbon at the county fair to advance to the State Fair. 

State Fair Quota

The quotas, or number of exhibits allowed per department, for the Nebraska State Fair is determined by each county’s annual 4-H enrollment. County staff will be provided with department quotas following the June 15 enrollment deadline.  

For more information, refer to General Rules.

Scoresheets, Forms and Contest Study Materials

Scoresheets, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at  

An explanation of projects and curriculum resources can be found at 

State Fair Special Award/Honor

  • Premier 4-H Science Award is available in this area. Please see General Rules for more details. 
  • 4-H Design Gallery All garments and accessories will be juried to be selected for the 4-H Design Gallery at the Nebraska State Fair. 
  • Make It With Wool Award All garments with at least 60% wool content are eligible for this award.  




1. All crochet items will be displayed in the clothing area at the Nebraska State Fair. 

2. Criteria for judging crochet: Design and Color, Neatness, Crochet Mechanics, Trimmings, and Construction Finishes. 

3. Each crocheted exhibit must include the following information on the fiber arts data card with the entry tag or exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing: A Fiber Arts crochet data form is available at  

  • Why did you choose to create this exhibit? 
  • What steps did you take as you created your exhibit? 
  • What were the most important things you learned? 
  • Gauge and size of hook or type of crocheting tool. 
  • Kind of yarn - weight and fiber content or other material used. 
  • Names of stiches used. 


C226001 Level 2 Crocheted Clothing (SF60) - (Garment eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) - Crochet garment using basic stitches [including: chain, single, double, half-double, treble] to form patterns  

C226002 Level 2 Crocheted Home Design & Restoration Item (SF60) - Crochet item using basic stitches [including: chain, single, double, half-double, treble] to form patterns  

C226003 Level 3 Crocheted Clothing (SF60) - (Garment eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) - Crochet garment using stitches learned in Level 2 while advancing to use afghan stitch, broomstick lace, hairpin lace, design motifs, and multiple pattern stitches.  

C226004 - Level 3 Crocheted Home Design & Restoration Item - (SF60)- Crochet item using stitches learned in Level 2 while advancing to use afghan stitch, broomstick lace, hairpin lace, design motifs, and multiple pattern stitches. 




1. All knitted items will be displayed in the clothing area at the Nebraska State Fair 

2. Criteria for judging knitting: Design and Color, Neatness, Knitting Mechanics, Trimmings, and Constructions Finishes. 

3. Each knitted exhibit must include the following information on the fiber arts data card with the entry tag or exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. A Fiber Arts knitting data card is available at  

  • Why did you choose to create this exhibit? 
  • What steps did you take as you created this exhibit? 
  • What were the most important things you learned? 
  • Gauge-Number of rows per inch; number of stitches per inch. 
  • Size of needles, finger knitted, arm knitted, loom or machine knitted 
  • Kind of yarn – weight and fiber content. 
  • Names of stitches used. 


C225001 Level 2 Knitted Clothing (SF60) - (Garment eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) – Knitted item or garment using pattern stitches such as diamond, block, twist or seed/moss stitches. Basic stitches [including: Knit (K), Purl (P), Slip Knit Pass Over (SKPO), Knit Two Together (K2tog), Yarn Over (yo)] to form pattern  

C225002 Level 2 Knitted Home Design & Restoration Item (SF60) - Knitted Item using basic stitches [including: Knit (K), Purl (P), Slip Knit Pass Over (SKPO), Knit Two Together (K2tog), Yarn Over (yo)] to form patterns  

C225003 Arm or Finger Knitted Item (SF60) - (Clothing or Home Design & Restoration Item)  

C225004 Loom Knitted Item (SF60) - (Clothing or Home Design & Restoration Item)  

C225005 Level 3 Knitted Clothing (SF60) - (Garment eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) – Knitted item or garment made from advanced knitting stitches such as pass slip stitch over, double-pointed needle knitting, cable, Turkish, tamerna, plait, germaine, feather and fan or knitting with one or more patterns such as Aran or Fair Isle. made by using stitches learned in Level 2 while advancing to circular knitting, double pointed needle knitting, knitting with multiple pattern stitches, and changing colors throughout the garment such as argyle knitting and chart knitting  

C225006 - Level 3 Knitted Home Design & Restoration Item - (SF60) - Knitted item made by using stitches learned in Level 2 while advancing to circular knitting, double pointed needle knitting, knitting with multiple pattern stitches, and changing colors throughout the garment such as argyle knitting and chart knitting.  

C225007 - Level 3 Machine Knitting - (SF60) 


Aufdenkamp, Brenda
Milius, Jacie
Ochsner, Julie