4-H members in the clothing category will demonstrate their knowledge through the creation of garments using STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) techniques. Five divisions in the clothing category offer a varying level of difficulty for 4-H members. For more resources and materials in this category refer to the resource section at the bottom of the page. 

Department Rules

  1. Entry Tags: Every clothing exhibit must be described on the appropriate entry tag accompanying it (for example: dark blue wool skirt and jacket, red and white printed blouse). Entry tag placement: as you look at the garment place the entry tag securely using safety pins on the right side of the garment and the hook of the hanger to the left. 
  2. Identification Labels: Each item entered as a clothing, knitting or crochet exhibit must have a label attached stating: County,4-H member's name and age, project name and class in which garment is entered and the number of years enrolled in the project exhibited. Wool entries must have fiber content listed on the identification label. Attach a label on every component of the outfit using safety pins or by basting. Not responsible for unlabeled items. 
  3. Preparation of Exhibits: Please bring all wearable exhibits on wire hangers or hangers with a swivel hook ONLY. All exhibits not suitable for hanging should be entered in a self-sealing plastic bag and hung on a hanger. Wool garments and garments with narrow straps hang better on other hangers, i.e., wooden or notched plastic hangers with a swivel hook. As you look at the garment, place the hook of the hanger pointing to the left. Fasten skirts, shorts and pants to skirt/pant hangers or safety pin on hanger. Each piece should be entered on its own hanger. If more than one hanger is used for an entry, fasten hangers belonging to one exhibit together with twist ties or rubber bands. 
  4. A Design Data Card must be included with all Beyond the Needle Classes C221003 through C221008 and STEAM 2 and 3 upcycled exhibits. The data card is available at http://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing. If the data card is not included, the exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. The data card is only required for the classes listed above. 
  5. Removal of Entries: Entries may not be removed for use in any other State Fair activity, including State Fair Fashion Show. 
  6. General: Garments as listed may be made for self (4-H member) or another person. Garments will be displayed by county. 4-H’members participating in clothing projects should continue their skill development. Once you have exhibited in a higher level, you are not eligible to exhibit in a lower level. Ex. Once you exhibit in STEAM Clothing 3, you are not eligible to exhibit in STEAM Clothing 2. 
  7. Criteria for Judging: Scoresheets, forms, contest study materials and additional resources can be found at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing In addition, all entries must conform to rules and regulations as set forth in the current Nebraska State Fair Book which can be found in the general rules


State Fair Eligibility

All static exhibits must have received a purple ribbon at the county fair to advance to the State Fair.

State Fair Quota

The quotas, or number of exhibits allowed per department, for the Nebraska State Fair is determined by each county’s annual 4-H enrollment. County staff will be provided with department quotas following the June 15 enrollment deadline.   

For more information refer to General Rules. 

Scoresheets, Forms, and Contest Study Materials

 Scoresheets, forms, contest study materials and additional resources can be found at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing.  

State Fair Special Award/Honor

  • Premier 4-H Science Award is available in this area. Please see visit this site for more details https://4h.unl.edu/fairbook/premier-science-award.  
  • All garments and accessories will be considered for the juried "4-H Design Gallery" to be displayed at the Nebraska State Fair only.  
  • All garments with at least 60% wool content are eligible for the "Make It With Wool" Award. 

Division Name

Beyond the Needle


4-H members must show their own original creativity. 


C221001 Design Portfolio (SF20) – A portfolio consisting of at least three design samples or activities. Refer to the Beyond the Needle project manual for activity ideas. The Portfolio should be placed in an 8.5 inch x 11 inch, three ring binder. Include an appropriate cover. (Additional pages can be added each year but should be dated.) See pages 14-16 in the Beyond the Needle project manual for portfolio formatting. 

C221002 Color Wheel (SF20) – Create your own color wheel, complimentary color bar or color scheme using pages 27-39 in the Beyond the Needle project manual. The Exhibit may be a notebook, poster, or small display. Exhibits should not exceed 22 inches x 30 inches. 

C221003 Embellished Garment With Original Design (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF26) - Create a garment using techniques as defined in the project manual. Designs are the original idea of the 4-Her using the elements and principles of design to make an original statement. A Design Data Card must be included with this project. The data card is available at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing.  

C221004 Original Designed Fabric Yardage (SF26) - Fabric yardage is designed using techniques such as those found in the manual. Other embellishments may be added. Exhibit consists of at least one yard of finished fabric. A Design Data Card must be included with this project. The data card is available at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. 

C221005 Item (garment or non-clothing item) Constructed From Original Designed Fabric (Only garments are eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF26) - Fabric yardage is designed first, then an item is constructed from that fabric. Other embellishments may be added. A Design Data Card must be included with this project. The data card is available at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. 
C221006 Textile Arts Garment or Accessory (Garment eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF26) - A garment or accessory constructed using new unconventional materials. Examples: rubber bands, plastic, duct tape. A Design Data Card must be included with this project. The data card is available at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. 
C221007 Fashion Accessory (Not eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF26) - An accessory designed and/or constructed using elements and principles of design; can be textile or non-textile based. Example: shoes, strung bracelet/necklace, wire wrapping, scarves, flip flops, design on tennis shoes, etc. A Design Data Card must be included with this project. The data card is available at http://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. 
C221008 Wearable Technology Garment or Accessory (Garment is eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF26) - Technology is integrated into the garment or accessory in some way (For example: LEDs, charging capabilities, sensors, etc.) A Design Data Card must be included with this project. The data card is available at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. 


General Clothing


4-H Members in all skill levels may exhibit in this area. 


C220001 Clothing Portfolio (SF20) – Complete at least four different samples/activities from Chapters 2, 3, OR 4 of the STEAM Clothing 2 project manual. The Portfolio should be placed in an 8.5 inch x 11 inch, three ring binder. Include an appropriate cover. Portfolio should build upon itself each year (additional pages can be added each year but should be dated.) See pages 9- 11 in STEAM Clothing 2: Simply Sewing project manual for portfolio formatting. 

C220002 Textile Science Scrapbook (SF20) – Must include at least 10 different textile samples. Use Textile Information Cards template on page 39 in STEAM Clothing 2: Simply Sewing project manual to identify fabric swatches. Completed textile cards should be placed in an 8.5 inch x 11 inch, three ring binder. Include an appropriate cover. Textile Science Scrapbook should build upon itself each year (additional pages can be added each year but should be dated). See the STEAM Clothing 2 project manual for fabric suggestions. 

C220003 Sewing For Profit (SF) - Using page 161-167 in the STEAM Clothing 2: Simply Sewing project manual, display what products you posted online and analyze the cost of goods purchased to determine the appropriate selling price for your product. The Exhibit may be a notebook, poster or small display. Exhibits should not exceed 22 inches x 30 inches. 


STEAM Clothing 2: Simply Sewing


Exhibits entered in this project must reflect at least one new skill learned from this manual (see project manual skill-level list).  
A list of skills by project is available at A list of skills by project is available at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing.  
Garments as listed below may be made from any woven or knit fabric appropriate to the garment’s design and should demonstrate sewing skills beyond STEAM Clothing 1. 


C222001 Design Basics, Understanding Design Principles (SF20) – 4-H members exhibit sharing a learning experience from pages 17-20 in the project manual. Include answers to questions found on page 20 of the manual. The exhibit may be a notebook, poster, or small display. Exhibits should not exceed 22 inches x 30 inches. 

C222002 Pressing Matters (SF20) – 4-H Members may enter a ham or sleeve roll from pages 21-25 “A Pressing Matter” in the STEAM Clothing 2 project manual. Exhibit should include answers to lesson questions that are most appropriate to include. 

C222003 Upcycled Garment (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) – Create a garment from used textile-based items. The original used item must be redesigned using skills learned in STEAM Clothing 2 (not just decorated) in some way to create a new wearable piece of clothing. The finished garment must reflect at least one skill learned in this project. A Design Data Card must be included with this project including a “before” picture no larger than 4.25 inches x 5.5 inches. If additional information is not included, exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. A list of skills and the Design Data Card are available at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing

C222004 Upcycled Clothing Accessory (Not eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) – A wearable accessory made from a used item. The original used item must be redesigned using skills learned in STEAM Clothing 2 (not just decorated) in some way to create a new wearable accessory. The finished garment must reflect at least one skill learned in this project. A Design Data Card must be included with this project including a “before” picture no larger than 4.25 inches x 5.5 inches. If additional information is not included, the exhibit will be lowered one ribbon placing. A list of skills by project and the Design Data Card are available at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing.  

 C222005 Textile Clothing Accessory (Not eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) - Textile accessory is constructed using at least one skill learned in this project from materials appropriate for STEAM 2. A list of skills by project is available at https://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing. Entry examples include: hats, bags, scarves, gloves. No metal, plastic, paper or rubber base items allowed (i.e. barrettes, headbands, flip flops, duct tape, etc.) 

C222006 Top (Not eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) - (vest acceptable) 

C222007 Bottom (Not eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) - (pants or shorts) 

C222008 Skirt (Not eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) 

C222009 Lined or Unlined Jacket (Not eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) 

C222010 Dress (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) - (not formal wear) 

C222011 Romper or Jumpsuit (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) 

C222012 Two-Piece Outfit (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) 

 C222013 Alter Your Pattern (SF28) (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show, in the class that best describes the type of garment constructed i.e. Dress, Romper or Jumpsuit, or Two-piece Outfit) - Garment constructed from a significantly altered pattern. Entry must include both the constructed garment and the altered pattern. Include information sheet that describes: 1) how the pattern was altered or changed, 2) why the changes were needed/wanted. Appropriate skills for altering/designing a pattern in STEAM 2 include: moving darts, merging two patterns together, altering a pattern for a woven or knit material, adding a lining). 

C222014 Garment Constructed from Sustainable or Unconventional [natural or synthetic] fibers (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show, in the class that best describes the type of garment constructed i.e. Dress, Romper or Jumpsuit, or Two piece Outfit) (S28) - Fabric/Fibers used in this garment have to be manufactured/purchased, for example: bamboo, banana, corn husk, and recycled fibers. Garments that are constructed out of the unconventional items themselves should be exhibited under Beyond the Needle. 


STEAM Clothing 3: A Stitch Further


Exhibits entered in this project must reflect at least one new skill learned from this manual (see project manual skill-level list).  

 A list of skills by project is available at http://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing.  
Garments as listed may be made from any pattern or any fabric and should demonstrate sewing skills beyond STEAM Clothing 2. Entry consists of completely constructed garments only. Wool entries must have fiber content listed on the identification label. 


C223001 Upcycled Garment (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) – Create a garment from used textile-based items. The original used item must be redesigned (not just decorated) in some way to create a new wearable piece of clothing. The finished garment must reflect at least one skill learned in this project. A list of skills by project is available at http://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing. A Design Data Card must be included with this project including a “before” picture no larger than 4.25 inches x 5.5 inches. The data card is available at http://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing

C223002 Upcycled Clothing Accessory (Not eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) – A wearable accessory made from a used item. The item used must be changed in some way in the redesign process. The finished accessory must reflect at least one skill learned in this project. A list of skills by project is available at http://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing . A Design Data Card must be included with this project including a “before” picture no larger than 4.25 inches x 5.5 inches. The data card is available at http://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing

C223003 Textile Clothing Accessory (Not eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) - Textile accessory is constructed using at least one skill learned in this project from materials appropriate for STEAM 3. A list of skills by project is available at http://go.unl.edu/ne4hclothing. Entry examples include: hats, bags, scarves, gloves. No metal, plastic, paper or rubber base items allowed (i.e. barrettes, headbands, flip flops, duct tape, etc.) 

C223004 Dress or Formal (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) 

C223005 Skirted Combination (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) - (skirt with shirt, vest, or jacket OR jumper and shirt) 

C223006 Pants or Shorts Combination (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) - (pants or shorts with shirt, vest, or jacket) 

C223007 Romper or Jumpsuit (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) 

C223008 Specialty Wear (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) - (includes: swim wear, costumes, hunting gear, or chaps) 

C223009 Lined or Unlined Jacket (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) -(non-tailored) 

C223010 Coat, Blazer, Suit Jacket, or Outerwear (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show) (SF28) - A tailored blazer or suit jacket or coat. Wool entries must have the fiber content listed on the identification label to be considered for the Make It With Wool Award. 

C223011 Alter/Design Your Pattern (SF28) - (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show, in the class that best describes the type of garment constructed i.e. Dress, Romper or Jumpsuit, or Two-piece Outfit) – Garment constructed from a significantly altered pattern. Entry must include both the constructed garment and the altered pattern. Include information sheet that describes: 1. how the pattern was altered or changed, 2. why the changes were needed/wanted. Appropriate skills for altering/designing a pattern in STEAM 3 include: moving darts, adding a zipper, merging two patterns together, altering a pattern for a woven or knit material, adding a lining, designing your own pattern). 

 C223012 Garment Constructed from Sustainable or Unconventional [natural or synthetic] fibers (Eligible for State Fair Fashion Show, in the class that best describes the type of garment constructed i.e. Dress, Romper or Jumpsuit, or Two-piece Outfit) (SF28) - Fabric/Fibers used in this garment have to be manufactured/purchased, for example: bamboo, banana, corn husk, and recycled fibers. Garments that are constructed out of the unconventional items themselves should be exhibited under Beyond the Needle. 


  • Milius, Jacie
  • Reece, Tessa