The purpose of Horticulture is to encourage participants to start and maintain vegetable and herb gardens. In addition, 4-H members can participate in planting, growing, and caring for flowers and houseplants. There is also a special gardening project in this category that 4-H members can participate in. For more resources and materials in this category refer to the resource section at the bottom of the page.
Department Rules
For General Rules click here
State Fair Eligibility
All static exhibits must have received a purple ribbon at the county fair to advance to the State Fair.
State Fair Quota
The quotas, or number of exhibits allowed per department, for the Nebraska State Fair is determined by each county’s annual 4-H enrollment. County staff will be provided with department quotas following the June 15 enrollment deadline.
For more information, refer to General Rules.
Scoresheets, Forms and Contest Study Materials
Scoresheets, forms, contest study materials, and additional resources can be found at
An explanation of projects and curriculum resources can be found at
State Fair Special Award/Honor
Premier 4-H Science Award is available in this area. Please see click here for more details.
Floriculture, Educational Exhibits & Houseplants
- Classes 1-23: Cut Flower Annuals and Biennials - Five stems of a single variety (cultivar) unless otherwise noted in parenthesis.
- Classes 30-46: Cut Flower Perennials - Five stems of a single variety (cultivar) unless otherwise noted in parenthesis.
- The cultivar or variety name must be included on all entry cards. If potted container with several cultivar or varieties identify each individually within the pot. Failure to identify the cultivar or variety will drop the entry one ribbon placing. Proper identification is the responsibility of the exhibitor, not the Extension staff or office personnel.
- For Floriculture, punch hole in the top center of entry tag, use a rubber band to securely attach entry tag to containers.
- Exhibits entered under an incorrect class number or containing an incorrect number of stems will be dropped one ribbon placing. In classes 23, 45 & 46, do not duplicate entries from the already listed classes or entry will be dropped one ribbon placing. For example, 4-H members with two cultivars or varieties of marigolds can only enter the marigold class and cannot enter the other cultivar or variety in any other class. A perennial is defined as a plant of which the crown overwinters. An annual is a plant that grows from seed each season, whether self-seeded or planted by the gardener. A biennial is a plant that germinates, grows and overwinters as a crown, blooms the following year and dies. Foliage will be considered when exhibit is judged.
- All three or five stems of cut flowers should be the same cultivar and color, do not mix cultivars and colors. Containers will not be judged; however, they should be CLEAR GLASS CONTAINERS that won't tip over (No plastic containers at State Fair) and of adequate size to display blooms. Any exhibit not in a clear glass container will be dropped one ribbon placing. NO SCREW ON LIDS OR SCREW ON RINGS AND FLATS MAY BE USED. To hold flowers in place it is suggested to use tin foil or a type of plastic wrap with holes poked into it or frog lids. Containers may not be returned from State Fair.
- Container Grown Houseplants: The choice of container and soil quality will be considered in judging. Each houseplant must be identified by listing the names on the entry tag or on a card attached to the container. Identify each plant individually if more than one cultivar or variety. Houseplants should be grown in the display container for a minimum of six weeks. Plants grown as houseplants must be used. NebGuide G2205 “Guide to Growing Houseplants” and NebGuide G837 “Guide to Selecting Houseplants” includes a listing of common houseplants. Containers of annual flowers or annual plants (i.e. petunias, geraniums, impatiens) will be disqualified and will not be judged.
- Entries in Classes 60-66 must have been designed and planted by the 4-H member.
- Any container plant, (flowering or foliage potted houseplants, dish gardens, fairy or miniature gardens, desert gardens, or terrariums) shall be in containers no larger than 12 inches (use inside opening measurement) in any dimension of length or width. No combination of pots may be used. All potted plants are to be in a one pot container. Any container grown plant in Classes 60-66 that does not follow these guidelines will be dropped one ribbon placing.
- Classes 60-65 exhibitors must have and provide a saucer to catch drainage water. The 4-H member’s name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be on the bottom or back of the container and saucer.
Cut Flower Annuals and Biennials - Five stems of a single variety (cultivar) unless otherwise noted in parenthesis.
Classes 1-23 (SF106)
- G770001 - Aster
- G770002 - Bachelor Buttons
- G770003 - Bells of Ireland
- G770004 - Browallia
- G770005 - Calendula
- G770006 - Celosia (crested or plume) (3 stems)
- G770007 - Cosmos
- G770008 - Dahlia
- G770009 - Dianthus
- G770010 - Foxglove
- G770011 - Gladiolus (3 stems)
- G770012 - Gomphrena
- G770013 - Hollyhock (3 stems)
- G770014 - Marigold
- G770015 - Pansy
- G770016 - Petunia
- G770017 - Salvia
- G770018 - Snapdragon
- G770019 - Statice
- G770020 - Sunflower (under 3 inch diameter - Five stems, three inches or more in diameter - three stems)
- G770021 - Vinca
- G770022 - Zinnia
- G770023 - Any other annual or biennial (under three inch diameter - five stems, three inches or more in diameter - three stems) (do not duplicate entries in classes 1-22)
Cut Flower Perennials - Five stems of a single variety (cultivar) unless otherwise noted in parenthesis.
Classes 30-46 (SF106)
- G770030 - Achillea/Yarrow
- G770031 - Chrysanthemum
- G770032 - Coneflower
- G770033 - CoreopsisG770034 - Daisy
- G770035 - Gaillardia
- G770036 - Helianthus
- G770037 - Hydrangea (three stems)
- G770038 - Liatris (three stems)
- G770039 - Lilies (three stems) (Not Daylilies)
- G770040 - Platycodon
- G770041 - Rose (3 stems)
- G770042 - Rudbeckia/Black-eyed Susan
- G770043 - Sedum
- G770044 - Statice
- G770045 - Any other perennial (under three inch diameter – Five stems, three inches or more in diameter - three stems) (do not duplicate entries in classes 30-44)
- G770046 - 4-H Flower Garden Collection of 5 different cut flowers. Flowers are to be cut not potted. Each flower in the collection should be exhibited with the number specified for classes 1-45. Display in a box or other holder not more than 18 inches in any dimension. Boxes may not be returned from State Fair. Do not duplicate entries in classes 1-45 with any in the group collection.
- G770050 Flower Notebook (SF100) - Exhibit a notebook containing pictures of flowers grown in Nebraska. There must be at least 10 different species of annuals and/or biennials and 10 different species of perennials hardy to Nebraska. Bulbs may be included in a separate section. 4-H members may show more than one cultivar of the same species, but they will only count as one species. The notebook must be the result of the current year’s work. Pictures from garden catalogs, hand drawn pictures, or photographs may be used. Each species/cultivar must be labeled with the correct common name and scientific name; the height and spread of the plant and the growing conditions (for example: needs full sun and dry sandy soil) the species prefers. In addition to this information, bulbs should also be labeled as spring or summer flowering. Give proper credit by listing the sources of pictures and information used. The 4-H member's name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be on the back of the notebook. .
- G770051 Flower Garden Promotion Poster (SF103) - Individual poster promoting flower gardening, size 14 inches x 22 inches either vertical or horizontal arrangement. Poster may be in any medium: watercolor, ink, crayon, etc. as long as it is not 3-dimensional. Posters using copyrighted material will not be accepted. Entry card must be stapled to the upper right-hand corner. The 4-H member's name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be on the back of the poster.
- G770052 Educational Flower Garden Poster (SF104)- Prepare a poster 14 inches x 22 inches x 2 inches (3-dimensional if needed) either vertical or horizontal arrangement illustrating a skill or project you have done or learned about in a 4-H flower or houseplant project. One might show a special technique used or equipment incorporated in the garden. Refer to 4-H horticulture project manuals, but use your own creativity. Entry card must be stapled to the upper right-hand corner. The 4-H member's name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be on the back of the poster.
- G770053 Flower Gardening History Interview (SF105)- Neatly handwritten or typed account of a gardening history interview whose flower garden has inspired you. Maximum of 4 pages of text and 2 pages of pictures (include 1 picture of the person you interviewed) of their flower garden if the individual is still gardening. Protect with a clear report cover. The 4-H member's name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be on the back of the report cover.
- G770060 Flowering Potted Houseplant(s) (SF107) - that are blooming for exhibition. Container may have one or more houseplants in container. Label with name for each plant. Non-blooming plants will be disqualified.
- G770061 Foliage Potted Houseplant (SF107) - one variety of tropical or cacti or succulent plant. Label with name of plant.
- G770062 Hanging Basket (SF107) - of flowering and/or foliage houseplants. Container may have one or more houseplants in container. Label with name for each plant.
- G770063 Dish Garden (SF 107) - an open/shallow container featuring a variety of houseplants excluding cacti and succulents. Label with name for each plant.
- G770064 Fairy or Miniature Garden (SF107) - A miniature “scene” contained in an open container and featuring miniature or small, slow growing houseplants. The garden needs to have an imaginative theme and miniature accessories, i.e. bench, fence made from tiny twigs, small shell for a bathtub, etc. Label with name for each plant.
- G770065 Desert Garden (SF107) - an open/shallow container featuring a variety of cacti and/or succulents grown as houseplants. Label with name for each plant.
- G770066 Terrarium (SF107) - a transparent container, partially or completely enclosed; sealed or unsealed. Label with name for each plant.
Special Garden Project
The Special Garden Project changes annually. More information may be found at 4-H Special Garden Project.
G775001 Special Garden Project (SF109) - Educational exhibit based on what was learned from the project. Present information on a poster 14 inches X 22 inches either vertical or horizontal arrangement or in a clear plastic report cover. The 4-H member’s name, age, and county must be on the back of the poster or report cover.
G775002 Special Gardening Project Fresh Cut Flowers, Herbs or Harvested Vegetables (SF109) - The current year's Special Gardening Project fresh cut flowers, herbs or harvested vegetables should be entered in this class. Refer to classes 1-45 for quantity to exhibit if Special Gardening Project is a fresh cut flower (SF106). Refer to classes 201-252 for quantity to exhibit if Special Gardening Project is a vegetable (SF108). Flowers and herbs must be cut, not potted.
Vegetables, Herbs, Fruits & Educational Exhibits
- The cultivar or variety name must be included on all entry cards. Failure to identify the cultivar or variety will lower the entry one ribbon placing. Proper identification is the responsibility of the exhibitor, not the Extension staff or office personnel. Exhibits entered under an incorrect class number or containing an incorrect number of vegetables will be lowered one ribbon placing. In classes 252, 255, 268, 269, 285, and 286 do not duplicate entries from any of the other classes or entry will be lowered one ribbon placing. For example: 4-H members with two cultivars or varieties of red tomatoes can only enter the red tomatoes class and cannot enter the other cultivar or variety in any other vegetable class. Score Sheet SF108.
- Vegetables (Classes 1-56) Class, Vegetable, Number's to Exhibit
- Herbs (Classes 60-69) Herbs will be judged using the same general criteria used for vegetables. Those grown mainly for their seed, such as dill and caraway, should be exhibited on a plate. Those grown for their leaves such as basil, parsley, etc. should be exhibited in a CLEAR GLASS CONTAINER of water (no plastic containers at State Fair). Any exhibit not in a clear glass container will be dropped one ribbon placing. NO SCREW ON LIDS OR SCREW ON RINGS AND FLATS MAY BE USED. To hold herb leaves in place it is suggested to use tin foil or a type of plastic wrap with holes poked into it or frog lids. Containers may not be returned from State Fair. Potted herb plants will be disqualified and will not be judged. Score Sheet SF108.
- Fruits (Classes 80-86) Fruits will be judged using the same general criteria used for vegetables. Fruit will be judged for the stage of maturity normal for that season and growing location. Emphasis will be placed on how well fruit approaches market quality. Score Sheet SF108.
Vegetable, Numbers to Exhibit
Classes 1-56 (SF108)
- G773201 - Lima Beans, 12
- G773202 - Snap Beans, 12
- G773203 - Wax Beans, 12
- G773204 - Beets, 5
- G773205 - Broccoli, 2
- G773206 - Brussels Sprouts, 12
- G773207 - Green Cabbage, 2
- G773208 - Red Cabbage, 2
- G773209 - Carrots, 5
- G773210 - Cauliflower, 2
- G773211 - Slicing Cucumbers, 2
- G773212 - Pickling Cucumbers, 5
- G773213 - Eggplant, 2
- G773214 - Kohlrabi, 5
- G773215 - Muskmelon/Cantaloupe, 2
- G773216 - Okra, 5
- G773217 - Yellow Onions, 5
- G773218 - Red Onions, 5
- G773219 - White Onions, 5
- G773220 - Parsnips, 5
- G773221 - Bell Peppers, 5
- G773222 - Sweet (Non-Bell) Peppers, 5
- G773223 - Jalapeño Peppers, 5
- G773224 - Hot (Non-Jalapeño) Peppers, 5
- G773225 - White Potatoes, 5
- G773226 - Red Potatoes, 5
- G773227 - Russet Potatoes, 5
- G773228 - Other Potatoes, 5
- G773229 - Pumpkin, 2
- G773230 - Miniature Pumpkins (Jack Be Little type), 5
- G773231 - Radish, 5
- G773232 - Rhubarb, 5
- G773233 - Rutabaga, 2
- G773234 - Green Summer Squash, 2
- G773235 - Yellow Summer Squash, 2
- G773236 - White Summer Squash, 2
- G773237 - Acorn Squash, 2
- G773238 - Butternut Squash, 2
- G773239 - Buttercup Squash, 2
- G773240 - Other Winter Squash, 2
- G773241 - Sweet Corn (in husks), 5
- G773242 - Swiss Chard, 5
- G773243 - Red Tomatoes (2 inches or more in diameter), 5
- G773244 - Roma or Sauce-type Tomatoes, 5
- G773245 - Salad Tomatoes (under 2 inch diameter), 12
- G773246- Yellow Tomatoes (2 inches or more in diameter), 5
- G773247 - Turnips, 5
- G773248 - Watermelon, 2
- G773249 - Dry Edible Beans, 1 pint
- G773250 - Gourds, mixed types, 5
- G773251 - Gourds, single variety, 5
- G773252 - Any other vegetable, 2, 5 or 12 (do not duplicate entries in classes 201-251) that doesn't fit in any other class
- G773255 - 4-H Vegetable Garden Collection of five kinds of vegetables. Display Garden Collection in a box not more than 24 inches in any dimension. Boxes may not be returned from State Fair. Showmanship will be considered in judging, but plastic grass, cotton, figurines, etc. should not be used in exhibit boxes. Each vegetable in the collection should be exhibited with the number specified for individual class (201-252). Do not duplicate entries in classes 201-252 with any in the group collection.
- G773256 - 4-H Cultivar Vegetable Collection – Vegetables entered in the collection are five cultivars from a single exhibit; for example, five cultivars of all types of peppers or squash or onions or tomatoes, etc. Display in a box not more than 24 inches in any dimension. Boxes may not be returned from State Fair. Showmanship will be considered in judging; but plastic grass, cotton, figurines, etc. should not be used in exhibit boxes. Each vegetable in the collection should be exhibited with the number specified for individual class (201-252).
Classes 60-69 (SF108)
- G773260 - Basil, 5
- G773261 - Dill (dry), 5
- G773262 - Garlic (bulbs), 5
- G773263 - Mint, 5
- G773264 - Oregano, 5
- G773265 - Parsley, 5
- G773266 - Sage, 5
- G773267 - Thyme, 5
- G773268 - Any Other Herb, 5 (do not duplicate entries in classes 260-267)
- G773269 - 4-H Herb Garden Display of five different cut herbs. Herbs are to be cut not potted. Displayed in a box or other holder not more than 18 inches in any dimension. Boxes may not be returned from State Fair. Each herb in the collection should be exhibited with the number specified for classes 260-268. Do not duplicate entries in classes 260-268 with any in the group collection.
Classes 80-86 (SF108)
- G773280 - Strawberries (everbearers), 1 pint
- G773281 - Grapes, 2 bunches
- G773282 - Apples, 5
- G773283 - Pears, 5
- G773284 - Wild Plums, 1 pint
- G773285 - Other small fruit or berries, 1 pint (do not duplicate entries in classes 280-284)
- G773286 - Other fruits OR nuts, 5 (do not duplicate entries in classes 280-284)
- G773290 Garden Promotion Poster (SF103) - Individual poster promoting vegetable or herb gardening, size 14 inches x 22 inches either vertical or horizontal arrangement. Poster may be in any medium so long as it is not 3-dimensional. Posters using copyrighted material will not be accepted. Entry card must be attached to the upper right-hand corner. The 4-H member's name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be on the back of the poster.
- G773291 Educational Vegetable or Herb Garden Poster (SF104) - Prepare a poster 14 inches x 22 inches x 2 inches (3-dimensional if needed) either vertical or horizontal arrangement illustrating a skill or project the 4-H’er has done or learned about in a 4-H vegetable gardening project. One might show a special technique used or equipment incorporated in the garden (e.g., drip irrigation system, composting, or special techniques learned). Refer to 4-H horticulture project manuals, but use your own creativity. Entry card must be attached to the upper right-hand corner. The 4-H member's name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be on the back of the poster.
- G773292 Vegetable and/or Herb Gardening History Interview (SF105) - Neatly handwritten or typed account of a gardening history interview of someone whose vegetable or herb garden has inspired you. Maximum of 4 pages of text and 2 pages of pictures (include 1 picture of the person you interviewed) of their garden if the individual is still gardening. Protect with a clear report cover. The 4-H member's name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be on the back of the report cover.
- G773293 Vegetable Seed Display (SF101) - Each display must include seeds representing the following families: Cucurbit, Brassica (cabbage), Solanaceous (nightshade), and Legume (pea) families, plus representatives from 5 other families. Group the seeds by family and type. Glue seeds or otherwise fasten clear containers of seeds to a board or poster mat board no larger than 22 inches x 24 inches. Label each group and each individual vegetable type with the common and scientific names. Use only one variety or cultivar of each vegetable, except for beans where several examples of beans may be shown. Attach a card to the back of the display explaining why and how it is important to know which vegetables are related and cite references on where the scientific name information was found. The 4-H member’s name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be on the back of the display. Information on vegetable family members can be obtained from your Extension office.
- G773294 World of Vegetables Notebook (SF102) - Choose a favorite foreign cuisine and learn what vegetables and/or herbs are common to it (e.g. Mexican, African, Chinese, Italian, etc.). Include a report talking about a minimum of 5 vegetables and/or herbs from each country chosen. Include the scientific and common names; pictures of the plants from your garden or seed catalogs; tell how they are grown; and how the foods are used. Also list a source for buying the seed or plants. Favorite recipes using some or all of the vegetables described may be included. Give proper credit by listing the source of pictures and information used. Protect in a clear report cover or 3-ring notebook. The 4-H member's name, age, county, and years in the project(s) must be on the back of the report cover or notebook.
- Cook, Kimberly
- Kuenning, Debbie